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Monday, December 28, 2015

Tom Ridge: 'Pause' Refugees From Middle East

Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Sunday the United States should put a "pause" on refugees from the Middle East until better screening procedures can be put into place.

"I'm just not sure we've got the background information," Ridge said Sunday on "The Cats Roundtable" on AM 970 in New York.

"They talk about screening. They talk about being able to review everybody in a timely way ... I'm just not confident they have sufficient information for law enforcement, the intelligence community, to do effective screening."

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  1. And it's taken this long for one of these idiots to realize it? How many more Americans are going to die right here, at home, before islam itself, is screened and vetted?

  2. so trump calls it like it is and now Ridge calls it a pause. is that the gentle way to describe it


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