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Friday, December 11, 2015

Texas Police Chief, Others Urge Citizens to Arm Themselves

A Texas police chief who warns President Barack Obama in a social media video that trying to disarm Americans would "cause a revolution in this country" is the latest law enforcement official to urge citizens to arm themselves in the wake of mass shootings.

Randy Kennedy, longtime chief in the small East Texas town of Hughes Springs, about 120 miles east of Dallas, says in the video posted this week on his personal Facebook page that the Second Amendment was established to protect people from criminals and "terrorists and radical ideology."

"It's also there to protect us against a government that has overreached its power," Kennedy says in the video. "You are not our potentate, sir. You are our servant."

He warned people in his town to prepare themselves: "Be ready when the wolf comes to the door, because it's on its way."

Law enforcement officials in Arizona, Florida and New York also have recently prompted citizens to arm themselves - some using similar comments aimed at terrorism.

More here


  1. So much for the "tin-foil hat" critics, who can't wait to derisively denigrate any and all who point out the obvious, which is, this government (and it's enforcing bureaucrats and armed agents) has "forgotten it's place" and exercises power arbitrarily and with imperial disdain for "we, the people". Public masters, not public SERVANTS.
    A COP (!!) is telling citizens that they should ARM THEMSELVES (!) because it getting to the point where our tolerance of tyranny and socialist restructuring is reaching a breaking point.
    So, all you kiss-ace, suck up, docile, "if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't worry" sheeple, keep cheering your demise. Pay no attention to the ground troops telling you that you are wrong, wrong, wrong. And in deep trouble.
    When it DOES get real, people will remember how you cheered the demise of freedom. You will receive NO mercy. You don't deserve any, and that is straight from Thomas Jefferson.
    Get your self ready for that, that is, if you even know how.
    Or, keep cheering.
    See ya soon.

  2. If any democrat tries to pass a law taking away guns from citizens going against the constitution they swore to uphold the congress and the military have the right to escort them from office.

  3. 1:24 PM

    nice rant but could you clarify

  4. they are just making public what some of us have known for a long time. cops cannot protect you. most times they show up and take a report and maybe draw a chalk outline. you are your own first responder.

    they are good at killing pets and unarmed people, but too worried about a fictional 'war on cops', hiding behind bushes to write speeding tickets, etc., to confront a cowardly jihadist.


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