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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Texas Imam Agrees with Trump

A Texas Imam agrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial suggestion that America set-up a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until further investigation can be done. The Imam also said there should be a ban of Syrian refugees of any religion.

The Imam, Nidal Alsayyed, who leads a Beaumont, Texas, mosque agrees with both Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Governor Abbott called for a halt to relocation of Syrian refugees into Texas after the Paris terrorist attacks. He also called upon President Obama to stop the importation of these refugees into the U.S., as reported by Breitbart Texas’ Bob Price.

On Monday Trump called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” as reported by Breitbart News.

Alsayyed, the Imam from east Texas told his local television station, “I certainly see it to be wise [to] stop temporarily accepting any new Muslim immigrants [refugees and non-refugees] into the United States.”

Alsayyed leads the Islamic Center of Triplex. He said the halt applies to new refugees of any religion and he does not believe that taking this action is unconstitutional. The Muslim religious leader said these actions are acceptable “when it comes to peace and safety.” He also added, “This should not prevent the United States to fulfill its duties towards international partners.”

The Texas Imam said, “It does not matter whether Trump said it or anyone else … American Muslims need to say we are with this country.

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  1. Good for him! This is what we need to hear from Muslims and their leaders. Fly the American flag proudly, be American and be whatever religion you want, or none at all.

    If you don't denounce the evil in your midst, you are condoning it.

  2. Great last sentence 9:30 AM!!


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