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Saturday, December 19, 2015

SPD Press Release 12-19-15 (Armed Robbery Investigation Wendy's)


  1. same dude who hit Dukin-Donuts

  2. Please folks, no profiling here. He was just about to receive his Boy Scout Merit Badge.

  3. Krazy Kaptain Kaiser, don't you
    Know there's no crime in Salisbury! Now hand me a slice of pizza and a glass of kool aid.

  4. Getting that money for Christmas shopping.

  5. More to come yet folks...still a few days until Christmas

  6. Stake out all the fast foods Common sense!!Duh

  7. I wish they'd hurry up and catch that 5'8" to 5'10" black male already. He's been robbing people and places left and right, for years. The High's store, Shore Stop, Dunkin' Donuts, Dollar General, and now Wendy's, to name just a few. And he has a side job, doing home invasions and stealing people's stuff. Sometimes he shows up at large gatherings, usually of people who look like him, and shoots at them. And takes their stuff too. Which isn't very nice.

    Kind of like Santa Claus, everybody's heard of him, and you'd think he'd be a whole lot easier to find, since everybody knows what he looks like. But not like Santa Claus, because the 5'8" to 5'10" black male takes stuff that isn't his, instead of leaving stuff for good girls and boys.

    Maybe some people don't believe the 5'8" to 5'10" black male exists, and that it's just a mean story made up so people think twice about going places he's known to visit.

    As for me, I believe.

  8. He won't rob chik fil a because you can't go there at anytime when there isn't a LEO scoring some foood.

    1. And they wont rob your house becasue you live with your Mom in the basement and they know you have nothing. They cant rob your car because you dont have one. Dont worry about locking your bike up, they dont want bikes with training wheels.


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