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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Small Group Of Demonstrators Shout ‘No Justice, No Peace’ As Freddie Gray Trials Begin

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — In front of the courthouse where jury selection is being held, 10 protesters let themselves be heard.

Mike Schuh reports for WJZ.

As they protested, William Porter entered the courthouse through a side door.

It would have been impossible for him not to have heard for those calling for his conviction on manslaughter and other charges.

“No justice, no peace,” was shouted through megaphones outside the courthouse.



  1. so they want a conviction regardless of the evidence

  2. Black lies don't matter - truth matters!

  3. No justice no peace No one gives a carp what you thugs think! Now go get a job.

  4. court's back after lunch defense arguing a fair jury panel can't be found in city

  5. back to interviewing potential jurors behind closed doors despite defense claims a fair jury can't be found

  6. 2:00 they do have a job they are paid professional agitators

  7. How about shouting "no job no assistance"?

  8. How about water canons?

  9. judge ruled video can be shown but state can't bring up details of the arrest of gray this not surprising since Porter was only involved a short time post arrest

  10. It's about time to shut these agitators down.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    How about shouting "no job no assistance"?

    November 30, 2015 at 3:15 PM"

    The problem anyone who takes up for the lowlife loser Freddie Gray is themselves an immoral, dishonest horrid person who can't be trusted so who would hire them. A supporter of Gray would steal you blind in a minute and the way they do not value life unless they can attach an agenda to it means they would kill you too. They are no damn good.

  12. court is usually over around 4:30 but they are keeping on and still in session

  13. protesters gone for awhile now showing back up and can be heard in overflow room

  14. court recessed another large panel to report tomorrow to courthouse *at best* opening arguments will not start until wed afternoon

  15. court spokeswoman not saying if any jurors have been dismissed today jurors told to not discuss anything that went on in courtroom and he will see some of them again on wed and some will not need to return on wed

  16. jury selection continues tomorrow at 9:30

  17. protesters heading to inner harbor led by the sister of tyrone west who died while in police custody 2 yrs ago

  18. How come they can't be charged with terroristic threats?

  19. business at the inner harbor are closing! protesters in between the light and pratt st pavillions at the harbor more gathering

    BPD going around warning harbor businesses about approaching protesters loud and saying tonight is a 'dry run' tomorrow expect more
    maybe around 30 or 40 out now signs say balt to chicago and others

  20. chilling
    Joy to the World is playing at the ice skating rink at harbor while protesters are yelling not many maybe 30

    media ahead filming i hope they got it the contrast is chilling

  21. A family member of mine has jury duty in Jan has to travel from shore to bmore. I hope like hell he don't get stuck for jury for this mess.


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