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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Secret Service agent's gun, badge stolen near White House

A Secret Service agent's gun, badge, radio, handcuffs and flash drive were stolen in broad daylight Monday near the agency's headquarters in Washington, according to a police report and sources briefed on the incident.

The agent's belongings were taken from his personal vehicle while it was parked on G Place in downtown Washington around 4 p.m. ET.

A report filed with the Metropolitan Police Department several hours later describes the agent returning to his car and noticing the back rear window of his car had been "unzipped." The report says the agent noticed "a bag with the listed property was taken out of the vehicle."



  1. What idiot leaves a weapon in the back of a soft top Jeep?

  2. These officers should have control of weapons at all times.

  3. Any idiot knows NOT to leave ANYTHING in their vehicle in dc. Sometimes they break in just for practice, or so it would seem.

  4. Must be another affirmative action hire.

  5. It's okay. Guns are banned in DC.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's okay. Guns are banned in DC.

    December 23, 2015 at 11:50 AM

    no they are not

  7. I hope the thief gets to use them to sneak into the whitehouse and blow out Obama's brains!


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