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Sunday, December 06, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting Happened During SWAT Drill, Masonic Symbol On Hat

Some wonder why the suspects would be driving their black SUV 2 hours later within a mile, (or so) of the shooting. Don't shoot the messenger Folks. We're providing this information for open discussion on the matter. More to come.


  1. They wouldn't do that, This is a false flag like the Virginia shooting and the Boston bombings and some others... I don't doubt that some could be real, and have real people getting hurt, but every shooting has been happening directly before, during or after POLICE DRILLS, or MILITARY DRILLS...

    Seems, they are ramping up false flags to be at least 1 or 2 a week now... Not surprised either, with obama bin laden asking for more gun control, as if you can stop a sane person from breaking and going crazy... Yeah some background check can figure that out...

  2. Ban marriage. Ban booze. This will stop Devorce and dwi.

  3. So what is the significance of the Masonic Emblem?

  4. So, what's your beef re the Masonic hat? I'm not a Shriner or a Mason but know they do a lot of good, especially with children.....spreading a lot of happiness and paying for medical care of such. Can you personally say the same about yourself ?
    I can't believe what gripes people like you who just sit back and decide what things to complain about next !!!!

  5. 9:09, I have no beef at all, if you are directing that question towards me. Are you suggesting we NOT publish questionable information and censor the Eastern Shore? As for the taking care of others, REALLY? Are you asking ME that question? If you have ANY problem with what I publish just remember this, I do not put a gun to anyone's head to visit Salisbury News. YOU have every right to disagree with any given article, just as I do. As for what I have to complain about next, do tell me, what did you just do in your comment. I rest my case.

  6. 9:09 AM

    just because some people or groups do good things occasionally means they cannot be evil? I would suggest you do some research on Mason' history.

  7. I have raised that question myself about why they only got two miles in 4 hours of time. I am sure they will come up with a plausible reason. They have also reported one of the gunmen made sure a 'specific target' was there before they attacked. I would like to know who this target was they refer to. They have regular drills there, once a month I have read. Surely these terrorists knew that. They were able to drive away before the cops got to them. They had a tip who it was, who gave them that tip? How did the tipster know? They came upon the shooter while searching for him. But he and his wife were able to escape yet again in a black suv that earlier report stated was found abandoned. He didn't just go home and make 3 pipe bombs in the 10-30-minute time frame he left the site and returned to start shooting. This had some planning behind it.

    What really irks me is that obammy and killary came out immediately and started calling for more gun control, and hermie bernie did also. There is also cell phone video from inside the building of a large group of people being led out by police. They seemed more or less calm about the whole thing.

    1. They made sure the Christmas party was in full swing.

  8. It seems after the initial shooting, the gunmen went to his mothers' and sisters' house. Police acting on a tip went there to search and they took off again in the black SUV. They headed back towards the shooting site, firing at police from the SUV, then the fatal gunfight occurred killing them in the street. A man noticed a half dozen middle eastern men hanging around the suspect house prior to this and failed to report it fearing he would be labeled racist. My guess is that is where the tip came from.

    1. They where making the bombs in the garage as per witness who was afraid to say something and there has to be more than 2 christian killer terrorists at a Christmas party.

  9. Some of you should put the bong down before you comment.Freemasonry may do a lot of community stuff but when it comes down to it,they are cult-like.

    1. Have you ever personally belonged to the Freemasons?

      If not, you're just spouting something you read on the intarwebz.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Have you ever personally belonged to the Freemasons?

    If not, you're just spouting something you read on the intarwebz.

    December 3, 2015 at 1:14 PM

    I bet he never belonged to the nazi party either, just read it on the 'intarwebz'

  11. Better read up on the evil satanic cult of pagan Baal worshipers. Deception masters! Are you ignorant sheep ready for your forehead stamps? Look around, the puzzle pieces of evil are coming together real fast. All just theater and another facet of the " hidden dangers of the rainbow". Wolves in sheeps clothing got some of them and you suckered.

  12. Your savior has no secrets!! to be illuminated is not gonna save your soul no matter how much good you do. Most are deceived, Some embrace the power Baal gives them in the higher levels.

  13. Although Freemasonry claims to not be a religion evidence proves otherwise. In fact, Masonic literature and doctrine exposes Freemasonry as a Luciferian religion. Lucifer is the ‘god’ of Freemasonry. (Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma). Albert Pike also reveals that the initiates of Freemasonry at the lower degrees are in fact deceived. Furthermore, Masonic doctrine is based on esoteric occult knowledge that is designed to ‘enlighten’ it’s initiates

  14. symbology is Very important to Masons it telegraphs intentions to inform the global Logdes of the underlying " secret" intension per symbolic doctrine.

  15. They are all false flags. 9/11. Sandy Hook. Virginia. San Bernadino. They want your guns. Wake up.


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