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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Rural Maryland Council elects 2016 leadership

The Rural Maryland Council met on Wednesday Dec. 2, 2015 in Annapolis and elected officers for the 2016 calendar year. The council elected the following officers:

• Chairman: Doris Mason

• First Vice Chairman: Josh Hastings

• Second Vice Chairman: Matt Teffeau

Doris Mason currently serves as the executive director of the Upper Shore Regional Council where she provides leadership on key projects for the USRC as it partners with public and private entities to optimize the physical, economic and social well-being of the residents of Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties.

“I am looking forward to serving the residents of Rural Maryland and am excited for this opportunity,” said Mason. “We plan to focus our leadership towards enhancing our state’s investments in our rural areas through the Rural Maryland Prosperity Investment Fund, so that our rural regions can grow economically to be the prosperous places we know they can be.”

Josh Hastings currently serves as policy director for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy where he monitors land use policies at the local, state, and federal government levels.



  1. This is about converting our rural lands into industrialized wasteland via wind and solar. It is already happening in Somerset and Kent counties where "farmers" are leasing vast amounts of their real estate to renewable developers. Solar and wind are not feasible and only exist because of government policies. A few benefit while the rest of us pay dearly. Get the facts it is not good for the host communities and energy costs rise.

  2. Josh Hastings.... Just saying...

  3. Josh Hastings currently serves as policy director for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy where he monitors land use policies at the local, state, and federal government levels.

    “With the 2016 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly fast approaching, we look forward to continuing our conversation regarding rural economic development, protection of agricultural lands and encouraging the development of renewable energy,” Hastings said.


    LMAO! This lying a$$ loser is still trying to be somebody in politics and this isn't the organization that is going to help him. Stupid Moron!

  4. Tree Huggers Я Us!

    Josh Hastings - Presidento

  5. Elitists at work here doing what is best for you,just pay the bill.

  6. Be very leery of this outfit. It has been created to convert rural lands into vast solar fields. Utility scale solar has been an economic and environmental disaster in the Mohave Desert where there is no environmental value and no people. Please look at the 3 utility scale projects there. PV solar like Desert Sunlight is what is planned for Wicomico and Dorchester. This will lower property values and destroy its rural character. The panels will produce only 15% of the time, and 20% of that will be lost in transport.
    The approval process is rigged so you have to stop it early. Hopefully, you have people in charge who are smarter than the Somerset clan.

  7. Please keep this post at the top, so residents have a warning of what is to come.

  8. Renewable Energy benefactors stop at nothing. The first developer rep in Somerset was a Private Investigator who struck gold and now officials work for them instead of the people who voted them in office.

  9. Poor Josh, he knocked on my door and told me he was a Republican. When I started asking him questions he said he had to go pick up his girlfriend in Tilghman Island. Since then I have found out he isn't a Republican and he doesn't date girls.


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