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Monday, December 28, 2015

Rep. King Says Terror Threat Coming from Mosques

New York GOP Rep. Peter King on Sunday called again for better surveillance of mosques in the U.S., suggesting Islamic terrorists visit them and said that critics can “cry all they want” about the tactic amounting to a civil liberties violation.

King, a member of the House’s Homeland Security and Select Intelligence committees, told “Fox News Sunday” that “99 percent” of Muslims in the United States are good people and that he’s friends with people of the Islamic faith.

“But the fact is, (mosques are) where the threat is coming from,” King said.

He also argued that some Americans have a “blind political correctness” on such issues and that civil libertarians and other critics of better mosque surveillance can “cry all they want.”

King pointed out that one of the so-called Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was told to leave a local mosque following two outbursts, yet members declined to warn authorities.

“If they had known that in advance, you combine that with the fact that the Russians had already told us to be on the lookout for him, we could have possible prevented the … bombing,” King said.



  1. slowly more are speaking the truth without regard to political correctness!

    He's right - they should be monitored!

    To those that will offer dissent - these slimes are not practicing a benevolent religion - they are members of a destruction-driven cult! We should let them attack you first - and see if it changes your feeble minds!

  2. ...WHAT????

    Terror threats coming from....mosques???

    But Islam is the "religion of peace"!


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