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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Rep. Babin on Clinton Emails: 'Everything Is Pointing to the Lady's Guilt'

Hillary Clinton is sure to be indicted in the Benghazi email scandal because "everything is pointing to the lady's guilt," Rep. Brian Babin told Newsmax TV on Tuesday.

"It would not be surprising if Hillary did wind up getting an indictment," Babin, 67, a first-term Texas Republican, told "Newsmax Prime" host John Bachman. "Everybody gets their day in court."

FBI Director James Comey is continuing his investigation into the Democratic front-runner's use of a private email server during her four years as secretary of state.

Comey's decision on whether Clinton had classified information on the server is expected to have strong implications in the 2016 presidential race.

So far, as many as 1,000 emails have been determined to have contained classified information.



  1. I'll believe it when I see it. (indictment)

  2. never happen...clintons are bullet proof...she knows too much on obama and vice versa


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