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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Powerful Homosexual Group Threatens Christian Colleges and Universities

The anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign is asking the federal government to harass Christian schools that have asked for or been granted waivers that would allow them to live out their Christian faith.

The 1972 Title IX amendments prohibiting sex discrimination in hiring, housing, and employment at schools receiving federal funds is at issue. The law allows religious schools to opt out of the requirements.

On the heels of their huge Supreme Court win in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision mandating homosexual marriage coast to coast, the radical LGBT establishment is looking for their next win. They believe they have found it in going after religious companies and employers who may hold that accepting a normalization of the homosexual agenda is against their religious beliefs.

Though the 1972 law has nothing to do with homosexual identity, homosexual activity, or so-called transsexuality, the $50 million-a-year Human Rights Campaign is nonetheless asking the federal government to put pressure on any school that has asked for or received such an exemption.

According to a recent report issued by the group, which has a history of targeting Christians, 56 schools have been granted religious freedom exemptions from the law. They claim such exemptions are dangerous for homosexual or transsexual students.

Here is more..


  1. This is exactly what gay groups said would not happen.

  2. Just imagine the Frat parties, and what is going to go on at them.

  3. those tolerant liberals

  4. 10:02 Same thing that goes on at ANY frat party.

  5. Meanwhile the apathetic silent majority sits back and writes comments about it instead of confronting the issue physically.
    I'm too old to lead but will follow and support anyone who does.

  6. Why, exactly, would gays want to attend a Christian college? They do not believe what the Bible teaches. If the Christian college has policies that prohibit a gay lifestyle, then said gay person should want to go to a school that allows such persons to attend and abide by that said school's policies.
    All the gays want to do is bash anyone that doesn't think as they do. Wait until the muslims take over America; gays will be taken out right alongside of the Christians.

  7. Well suck a pickle I thought they were done politicing for the year

  8. Better vote for Trump or liberals will take over this country and bury us.

  9. will the muslims kill the gay "americans" or the Christian americans first

    1. Since the Muslims are GAY themselves you know the answer.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why, exactly, would gays want to attend a Christian college? They do not believe what the Bible teaches. If the Christian college has policies that prohibit a gay lifestyle, then said gay person should want to go to a school that allows such persons to attend and abide by that said school's policies.
    All the gays want to do is bash anyone that doesn't think as they do. Wait until the muslims take over America; gays will be taken out right alongside of the Christians.

    December 22, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    so they can attack yet another institution, from within, that exposes their sins.

    keep being tolerant people, you will tolerate yourselves right into hell


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