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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Planned Parenthood Blames ‘Hateful Speech’ for Clinic Shooting

Planned Parenthood officials on Sunday seemingly blamed the “hateful speech” of conservative lawmakers and GOP presidential contenders for contributing to Friday’s deadly shooting at a Colorado clinic, but Republicans said the left is trying to use the tragedy for political gain.

Friday’s shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs left three people dead, including a police officer. The presumed gunman, 57-year-old Robert Dear, reportedly made comments about “baby parts” after he was arrested, an apparent reference to the recent controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood and the alleged sale of fetal organs.

Planned Parenthood officials charge that some conservative figures have created a climate in which extremists such as Mr. Dear feel that it’s acceptable to target pro-choice organizations.

“We’ve experienced so much hateful language, hateful speech,” Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains, said on ABC’s “This Week.” “I think politicians have been in that conversation, and, I mean, you know that the airwaves are full of anti-abortion language, of anti-Planned Parenthood accusations, much of which is false in nature.

“And we at Planned Parenthood are first and foremost a health care provider. We provide life-saving services to all kinds of folks, men and women, across our communities. And the tirades against Planned Parenthood in the last few months have really been over the top.”

More here


  1. They have a valid point, hate rhetoric has incited this violence.

  2. baby killers hiding behind political correctness

  3. 12:36 Glad people are still making excuses for the terrorists. It is rhetoric. It is awful. And it needs to stop.

  4. Just be honest. This was a response to a group of folks who hide behind the law to effectively kill the unborn. No difference between Planned :Parenthood and the nazi death camps. Using abortion for birth control is allowing murder to flourish for the benefit of wrong mural thinking. Just stop the killing of the unborn. We make abortion legal but at the same time make the death penalty illegal?? What's up with this?? What crime did an unborn baby commit??

    1. So you condone this mans actions? You stand behind him? You consider his actions justified?

  5. It amazes me how passionate the left is about preserving a so-called 'right' to murder unborn babies, and how they are attempting to demonize those who accurately describe it as atrocity.

    "Hate rhetoric." "Terrorists."

  6. 2:04

    Yeah but are they wrong? Not really.

  7. The babies killed and sold for parts had no comment

  8. Free speech as long as you say what the liberals want to hear.

  9. And Jody Foster was really to blame for the shooting of Reagan, right?

    Why waste time trying to come up for a rational motive for the actions an insane nut?


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