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Friday, December 18, 2015

Pennsylvania Man Arrested For Allegedly Spreading ISIS Propaganda

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- A Pennsylvania 19-year-old pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, used Twitter to spread its propaganda and had a backpack with ammunition that suggests he might have been plotting an attack, federal authorities said Thursday.

Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz, of Harrisburg, was arrested Thursday and charged with attempting to provide material support to terrorists. He was scheduled to have an initial appearance in federal court on Thursday afternoon.

Court documents said a "go bag" or "tactical-style backpack" found in Aziz's closet contained a high-capacity magazine loaded with ammunition, a modified kitchen knife, a thumb drive, a tin filled with medicine and a full-face mask similar to those worn by Islamic State militants. Aziz may have been "preparing to conduct or assist others in conducting an attack in the United States," according to a criminal complaint.



  1. It is all harmless he was just getting ready to go to school and start building a clock for his briefcase.

  2. Off with his head!!!

  3. What's wrong with these people?

  4. These people are the enemy and we need to treat them as such. Plain and simple.

  5. Obama has way too many sons.

  6. Before you go jumping all over this guy be aware that you are on a slippery slope. While I would not defend an ISIS supporter I don't see enough specifics in here to get the full picture of what he did.
    A Go-bag or Bug-out bag is pretty common. I have one of my own that includes a gas mask, water purification tablets and a couple MREs. It can get pretty cold in Harrisburg so a Bug-out bag might contain a ski mask as well, which could conveniently be called an ISIS style mask by anyone trying to sell fear. I have a "modified kitchen knife" in my fishing tackle box. A high capacity magazine with no mention of a gun doesn't seem like much of a threat. A thumb drive is not illegal.
    Obviously this guy was up to something, but do not over react to this or you wake up one day to find that being critical of the government is suddenly material support for ISIS, and everything in your home, car and workplace is listed in a way to make you sound like a terrorist threat.


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