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Monday, December 14, 2015

Peggy Noonan: Trump 'Owes It To His Country To Become Disciplined'

Conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan thinks it's time for Donald Trump to pull back on the very thing that seems to have gotten him where he is: his mouth.

In her latest column, Noonan, who is not a Donald Trump supporter, said as a matter of patriotism, the GOP front-runner should refine his language, which he proudly brags is lacking a shred of political correctness or sensitivity.

"A continuing mystery of Mr. Trump is his failure to impose on himself political discipline," Noonan wrote. "He has been front-runner for six months but he doesn't act as if he has absorbed the fact that he could become the nominee. At this point he owes it to his country — he owes it to his own ambition! — to become disciplined in terms of statements and policy."

She continued, "It is possible for candidates to be vivid but careful, dramatic but responsible. When you're winning you can't just keep pulling it out of your orifices. Mr. Trump's lack of discipline should worry his supporters. I know it doesn't, but it should. Because indiscipline shows disrespect. And people pick up on it, they see it."



  1. Even though he is saying what a lot of us are thinking he does need to think about attracting a larger audience to win the general election. This can be done by toning down rhetoric and building a consensus.

  2. Noonan thought Romney was a sure thing to win, her time has come and gone.

  3. Noonan is 'spot on' with this one...BTW, her time has not come and gone. she has a lot of common sense and the citizens of this country sure need it.

  4. Noonan is part of the "Establishment" which has done nothing for the party in twenty years. if you believe that she is spot on then you are part of that establishment and you are entitled to your opinion. I believe the country as a majority would like to get rid of the "establishment" you just don't hear it because the media for the most part is made up of the "Establishment"

  5. Agree. Not enough to get the nomination. To win the general, you have to act presidential.

    There are a lot of independents who want someone other than the establishment, but sounding racists and sexist is not going to win them over. There are also a lot of Democrats who can't stand Clinton. But they will go with her rather than Trump unless he can come off as reasonable.

    Sorry, just telling it like it is. There are not enough hardcore conservatives in this country to get a hardcore person in. Either you support someone who can compromise or you will continue to have a very left president. This is why a number of independents and even liberals like Carson, even though they strongly disagree with him on a lot of issues. It's because acts civil and like he can be reasoned with, even change his mind if given compelling facts.

  6. This truly shows how stupid the GOP "establishment" is.They have a clear path to the winners circle and want a different candidate, or have their most popular candidate change his ways to ensure defeat.Mr Trump, please continue to be the candidate you are and let the American people decide who they want to be our next leader. You have my support.

  7. Sorry I will vote the man not a puppet of the party. This is whats wrong in the country now. Way too many Dems hiding in the Republican ranks. I say f political correctness. Time to be a slave to no one but yourself. F your party they have all sold us out. Call a spade a spade.


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