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Friday, December 18, 2015

Pat Caddell: Country Closer to Revolution Than Ever

Veteran pollster Pat Caddell says he agrees with the premise that America today is closer to another revolution than at any time in recent history, adding, “The strength of this country comes from its people and it has a political system that is run, now, to the exclusion of its people … you have three quarters of the American people saying the government in Washington does not rule with the consent of the governed.”

Caddell told Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon that the current $1.1 trillion 2,000-plus page omnibus bill is “the greatest disaster anyone ever saw because of the deals being cut.”

Caddell cited elements of the bill that are still being discovered, such as the upping of the number of foreign visas. Caddell was referring to a provision that was outrageously “slipped into the bill” without the knowledge of many lawmakers.

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  1. Too many limp-wristed folks these days for a revolution. The baby boomers ruined America. Too much "Hearts and minds" bs. Same reason why we can't win a war these days.

  2. The media and entertainment industries have played a major role in this happening to the country.


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