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Saturday, December 05, 2015

Panic City: The GOP's Pipsqueak 'Revolt' Against The Donald

Another day, another GOP panic.

The media underestimated Donald Trump from day one. The Republican power brokers underestimated Donald Trump from day one. And now journalists are quoting GOP hotshots as suddenly scared about what has been obvious for months: that Trump is in a strong position to seize their nomination.

After various stages of grief and denial, the noise from the “establishment”—or what remains of it, in this Super PAC era—is growing louder.

The New York Times is the latest to sound the alarm:

“Irritation is giving way to panic as it becomes increasingly plausible that Mr. Trump could be the party’s standard-bearer and imperil the careers of other Republicans.”

Which is pretty much the same P-word that the Washington Post used on Nov. 12:

“Less than three months before the kickoff Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them.”

Is there something stronger than panic? Because we seem to be careening there.



  1. Sorry, but the "republican elites" are simply those who earn a living by pretending to control the election of someone Republican. It's the voter who counts not these blood sucking turds. If they could, they would have you pay them to caste a vote for THEIR party. Just don't give in.

  2. Before the GOP lets trump get the nomination, they will have him killed. Got to keep Washington corrupt, not honest.

  3. Even more they underestimated the American republican voter that has become sick and tired of the RINOS!!

  4. All politicians need to go
    They're all corrupt
    Need to clean house starting with the White House


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