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Monday, December 14, 2015

Obama's Shovel Ready Program


  1. Yep, that just about sums it up.

  2. The best was when former NM governor Gary Johnson (R) said in 2011, "my next-door neighbor's 2 dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration."

  3. Unemployment is at 5.5% nationally down from when Bush left office and there were mass layoffs. Yes, I know, it sucks to live on the slower lower eastern shore because there are no good jobs there. Stop complaining and move to where the jobs are.

  4. Anon 7:40 How the hell is someone supposed to move???

  5. 7:40 - Need to read the stats a lot better than that. Yes the unemployment rate is down, but not because there are more jobs, because more people have stopped looking for work or have become ineligible to be counted because they've been out of work so long. The participation rate (percentage of the population working) is at a record low. To move you have to move to where Obama sent the jobs we had - China, India, Mexico (Ford has jobs at 1/2 the rate they paid here), or S. America.

  6. 8:21

    By... moving? It seems like a simple enough concept to grasp.

  7. 9:52

    Yeah, in the eastern shore bubble. That isn't occurring across the country. That's what they WANT you to think. Hence why most of my works takes me well the heck off the shore. This area refuses to embrace progress and advancement and thus misses out on the spoils of growth and prosperity.

    Hell even sbynews is successful because it has adapted to the digital age and modernity, faster than any other news org around here has. More than most folks on the shore can say about their business.

  8. Simple, just drive in a diagonal direction!

  9. I moved my business out of MD and the eastern shore. Low education workers that come to work when it's not deer season, duck season, crabbing season, oyster season, rockfish season, truck broken down, wife left me, got a dui and can't drive. Heard it all and especially how I ain't doing it right. Screw you. Making more money than ever with less headaches elsewhere.


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