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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

ObamaCare and Gay Marriage Proponents are Far More Extreme Than Donald Trump

While I disagree with Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all Muslim immigration (the reasons are spelled out here), and am very comfortable labeling his proposal as extreme, what’s lacking in this debate is context and perspective. Nothing Trump is proposing in this ban in any way violates anyone’s Constitutional or human rights. This is not true, though, for those in favor of gay marriage or Obama Care.

If you want to talk about extreme, let’s talk about extreme…

No foreigner has a Constitutional, legal, moral or human right to come to America. That doesn’t make it okay to ban all Muslims — in fact, it is not okay. What is far less okay, though, is the violation of human rights that have come from ObamaCare and the legalizing of same sex marriage.

Almost all of the same shrill, hypocritical Leftists and DC Media-types screaming “religious freedom!” in opposition to Trump’s immigration ban, are the very same fascists aggressively using the federal government to strip Americans protected by the Constitution of their human rights, specifically the right to honor their religious conscience.

More here


  1. They want to defend the rights of Christians to practice their faith freely and without government intervention, but want to deny the same religious liberties to Muslims by closing their mosques.

    No one who supports same sex marriage or healthcare want to close down Christian Churches. They are free to do whatever they want within their church. But have to leave others alone.

  2. Phony argument, 10:17. Christians aren't trying to close down mosques. I've only heard ONE person advocate that.

    But the liberal left is trying to silence all Christians and deny them their right to freely exercise their religious beliefs and obey their conscience within the public arena, taking it so far as to intentionally try to destroy the lives of those with whom they disagree.

    That's a form of terrorism in my book.


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