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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Obama Says a New Tax Is 'The Most Elegant Way' to Stop Climate Change

(CNSNews.com) - At news conference in Paris on Tuesday, President Obama said "the most elegant way" to reduce carbon emissions is "to put a price on it."

He was responding to a reporter who asked Obama, "I wonder if you see any political path back home toward putting a price on carbon?"

"I have long believed that the most elegant way to drive innovation and to reduce carbon emissions is to put a price on it. This is a classic market failure," Obama replied.

"If you open up an Econ 101 textbook, it will say the market's very good about determining prices and allocating capital towards its most productive use, except there's certain externalities, there's certain things that the market just doesn't count, it doesn't price, at least not on its own. Clean air is an example; clean water -- or the converse, dirty water, dirty air.



  1. Who gave Obama 3 billion dollars to throw away on this project? I don't recall Congress approving it.

  2. Wow what a surprise!

  3. Taxing us into Poverty, that's his plan all along.

  4. obama's the spawn of the devil. The only thing worst them him are those who support him which enables him to continue doing the devil's work on earth. God's getting back at them though. All these killings going on in concentrated areas of obama supporters is God punishing those evil people. So don't those people dare cry and grief when their child gets a bullet and is laying stiff on a metal table. It was sent by God to punish an immoral people who support an evil man. Don't dare cry. Look in the mirror!

  5. Remember, This comes from the mouth of someone that has never earned an honest dollar in their life. Never started or run a business. The guy is a fraud and I am ashamed that he was actually elected by the dolts TWICE!


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