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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Obama Makes Despicable Announcement About Christmas

While America wallows in a depression, Obama plays in Hawaii. It’s disgusting. 100 million are without work and many ran out of unemployment benefits long ago. But that’s okay, Obama is snacking on shaved ice and planning his after-presidency life in Hawaii. The man never earned a dime in his life and lives in the lap of luxury. America is already losing jobs to illegal immigrants and seeing crime as she never has before with Obama’s open borders policy. Now, he’ll bring in hundreds of thousands of Islamic refugees who will bring terrorism and death to America. But never mind that… it’s Lei Day in the Press Briefing Room! They look ridiculous by the way. As Obama has homes gifted to him, Americans cry out for a real leader to bring back jobs and stop the invasion of our country. 2016 simply cannot come soon enough.
From the White House:
The Final Hawaii Trip as POTUS
President Obama’s 2015 Hawaii trip will be his last Christmas vacation in Hawaii as President. He plans to break tradition next year in 2016 and spend his final Christmas in office at the White House, surrounded by family and friends. After leaving office, President Obama looks forward to returning to Hawaii as a private citizen to continue his annual tradition in a new vacation home recently “purchased by a friend”.
Getting into the Hawaii Vacation Spirit
In honor of his last presidential trip to Hawaii, President Obama has decided to bring a little Hawaiian sunshine to the White House in advance of his departure. In addition to a Christmas tree this year, the Oval Office is decorated with palm trees, tropical flowers, and the Hawaii state flag. The White House Mess has also been decorated with a Hawaiian theme and serves shave ice on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


  1. This "joker" has ripped the soul of this country to shreds. I have not been so ashamed of the occupant of the oval office since the seventies. The MSM has failed horribly in exposing this fraud.

  2. As we progress through this next year , we must turn our attention to the most dangerous thing in the world. Please people , we must not ignore CLIMATE CHANGE , it will kill all of us. Pay attention people , this is a very serious threat against our nation.
    AS the world warms up , people like ISIS get irritated with the heat and do drastic things beyond their willpower. If you don't believe any of this just turn on CNN or other media stations.

  3. Fraud is what he is and what he has always been.

  4. I can't wait till he is out and no longer has his cronies in government offfices to cover up this fraud of a citizen! We don't even know if he changed his name through the courts or just did it on his own, the only POTUS to have no documentation about his past or who he really is, Barry Sototero or Barrack Obama! I belive his second name is his muslim name when he converted like Muhammed Ali.

  5. Amen 4:31. Just hope those who put him there (2 times) stay home or find their conscience in 2016.

    1. Stay home? Are you kidding? They need to quit staying at home having babies, and go look for work, or find opportunities to make honest cash, whether it's mowing lawns, washing cars or shoveling snow.


  6. Please Please Please,get Obama out so all of these out of work Americans can go out the next day and get back to work.If you believe that when President Mr.Obama is out and we have a new President that your life will be any better than it is now,you are a fool.Trust me nothing will change because Presidents do not run America.PRESIDENTS DO NOT RUN AMERICA

  7. So Obama is competing with the Grinch, can't wait to see that cartoon!

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 2, 2015 at 10:56 AM

    Get this Lying Muslim Divider in Chief OUTTA THERE. And his Moochelle too. What a Shame and Disgrace to have these leeches in the White House.


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