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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Obama: Incompetence Or Treason?

As of late, there is a constant drone of political pundits, even from CNN, asking “Why is Obama doing this? Why is he saying that?” Even former President Carter, the weakest president of the twentieth century, has said “Obama is inept.” Does Obama live in his own little world? Is he truly inept or is there much more to this man that our miserable main-stream media didn’t tell us or bothered to find out?

The media seems to be playing the “we’re confused card.” They scratch their collective heads and wonder in amazement about what Obama says and does. They actually look as confused as so many of us. Is he incompetent or does he have a plan he’s not divulging? Or, did Obama plainly announce his plan in 2008 to “fundamentally change America?”

Why has Obama taken a far back seat in the war on terror? Why has Obama seemingly switched sides? Why did Obama eagerly criticize Bush II about the national debt and then go about doubling it? Why does Obama back the Muslim Brotherhood? Why does Obama have such animosity towards Netanyahu and Israel, our greatest ally in the region? Why is Obama insisting on importing Syrian ‘refugees’ contrary to fervent public opinion in spite of the Paris tragedy and then say “Are you telling me that the American people are afraid of widows and orphans?” Does this man think we are stupid? In short, why is Obama doing the opposite of what any amount of common sense would say to do?

Former Defense Secretaries Panetta and Gates have both written books and have had numerous interviews testifying to Obama’s refusal to take advice from professionals in the military and his administration as to how to deal with terrorists and criminal regimes like Iran.



  1. Treason - he is intentionally incompetent lately.....he was ignorantly incompetent - until he figured out he could use it as an excuse!

  2. Because he don't like killing his fellow Muslims.

  3. He said he would change America and he has gone about doing it. Somewhere in his life he convinced himself he was the smartest person in the room and quit listening to advice/opinions of others. Of course the voters were dumb enough to vote him in twice. So what does that say about us?

  4. Ignorant voters who just don't care about America. And they are still out there. They are called Democrats.

  5. George Soros' puppet and the rest of the democrat party.Even Putin threw him out of Russia.

  6. Oh, he's competent. He knows exactly what he's doing in order to "transform America". What makes the situation worse is that we have no Republican leadership in Congress willing to challenge him.

  7. He is going insane!

  8. TREASON He is very dangerous, and his sole purpose is to destroy America.

  9. Try disarming southern folk lol.

  10. The spineless Republicans in Congress are equally guilty. They as well as Obama are Treasonous and deserve equal punishment. That is the main reason I support Trump. The Establishment hates him so I support him without question.


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