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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Obama Calls for ‘Common-Sense, Gun Safety Laws,’ in Wake of San Bernardino Shooting

While giving an interview to CBS News on Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a statement on the ongoing situation involving a shooting in San Bernardino, CA.

CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell asked, “Mr. President, it seems there’s been another mass shooting in California. What do you know?”

Obama said, “Well, we don’t know that much yet. It’s still an active situation, FBI is on the ground offering assistance to local officials as they need it. It does appear there will be some casualties, and, you know, obviously our hearts go out to the victims and the families. The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. There’s some steps we could take not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently. Common-sense, gun safety laws, stronger background checks.



  1. Obama you must think we are stupid this was a terrorist act at a christmas party by muslims, and was in the works probably for 6 months and to think we still have over a year with this treasonous pos president to go.

  2. 12:49 pm:

    Are you dumb or just stupid??? There is a difference between the two...

    What you and the rest of stupid america cannot seem to grasp, is that it does not matter who is president, a higher power or person or people run this country and soon the world, hence why everyone from bush down has said we want a NWO which stands for (N)NEW (W)WORLD (O)ORDER) for you retards who can't spell or understand...

    There is an agenda which means it doesn't even matter who is president or a senator, they will get their way because they too are a slave to the uppers as we are... You people think voting or running your mouth on a blog will solve all of the worlds problems when in fact you are the cause partly...

    Just like you think your vote counts, and just like how everyone thinks they helped put Hogan in the Governor seat...

    1. You are obviously a idiot obama lover.

  3. I am tired of always hearing about more "gun control". They feds do not enforce their own gun laws now. The only new gun law I would support is reinstitute the "death penalty". Make it swift and concise. First trial held within six (6) months of incident. All appeals concluded within three (3) months of first verdict. Any two verdicts equal that is it. Executed anytime within thirty (30). End off situation. They kill They die. They are cowards and scared to die or they want to die so let them. "Do Not Punish Me"

  4. how about common sense concealed carry

  5. Obama is behind this shooting and other Terror we are seeing....

    Obama is trying to Disarm the White People, because White's own the most guns!!!

  6. Then lead by example and disarm your security team. Didn't think so.

  7. how will that help? all 4 guns were bought LEGALLY

  8. I agree with Obama here!!!! Lets try some common sense gun laws. I think everyone should be allowed to open carry and concealed carry permits be opened up

  9. Hitler is trying to disarm the population... Sound familiar???


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