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Monday, December 21, 2015

No, Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God

Wheaton College, the leading evangelical institution of higher learning in the United States, has been embroiled in a recent controversy over a hijab-wearing associate professor of political science. Dr. Larycia Hawkins, who also happens to be a fan of the whole Black Lives Matter movement, is wearing a hijab during the Christmas season in "solidarity" with her Muslim "brothers and sisters," because Christians and Muslims "worship the same God."

Wheaton has suspended Dr. Hawkins, certainly the minimum it could do, pending a further investigation. The College has issued a mushily worded statement defending the school's evangelical statement of faith, but avoiding dealing directly with the question at issue.

The school criticizes Dr. Hawkins for a lack of "theological clarity," and refers vaguely to differences of opinion about "the nature of God" between Islam and Christianity, but does not answer the question Dr. Hawkins has raised: do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

As I have written before, there is a clear, straightforward answer to this question:



  1. So, there are two Gods?

  2. My god is better than your god. Wake up! There is no god. All made up nonsense.

  3. 11:54 I pray for you one day your eyes are opened. Happy Birthday Jesus

  4. Actually they do worship the same God, only view Him differently.

  5. 8:50 not true. Muslims worship the "god" that "spoke" to Mohammed. It is not the God of Abraham. The God Of Abraham has a Son named Jesus which Muslims do not believe is the son of God. Mohammed was a war monger pedophile and used "god" as a weapon to control women and conquer land. Mohammed hated women.

  6. Muslims believe in a self made prophet. Like a Jim Jones prophet. Yes it's a cult.

  7. Jesus is the only savior.

  8. Christians do not murder people just because they do not worship the same as they do. Christians do not condone the marriage and sex with little girls. They do not condone having sex with animals to curb their urges of sex. They do not condone having little boys as sex slaves. They do not condone the beating of women, the subjugation of women. No, I would say we do not have the same God. Then again islam is not a religion. It is something dreamed up by a mad man to treat women as sub human and and to ok sex with children.


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