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Sunday, December 27, 2015


Third party will destroy Republican Party and ensure Clinton win

On Monday the guiding light of the neocon faction of the Republican party, Bill Kristol, said a third party will be required if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination.

Establishment Republicans are in disarray over Trump’s accession and make no secret of their willingness to abandoned the party and even cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton. A prominent neocon and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, Max Boot, has denounced Trump as a fascist.



  1. Killary IS the NEOCON "Party"

  2. It is time to throw the establishment out!

  3. The democrat and GOP establishment are one in the same selling out America and the rights of all it's citizens.

  4. The Dems are hoping this will happen. It's a part of their strategy. They're probably pushing it behind the scenes.

  5. Look at the facts / actions of the Republicans . they do nothing they say. They are scared to do their job. they give away the store to the DemocRATS because they are scared they will be blamed for a Government shut down. the DemocRATS are not afraid to force the issues on a bunch of "wimpy" Republicans. They should do their job and stop these irresponsible spending bills. there should not be any addons to bills that is not directly related to the bill subject. the bills all should be clean bills. the Republican establishment has already destroyed the Republican party. So what is a third party going to destroy.

  6. Subtitle should read "Third party will destroy both parties and ensure Trump win". I know of a lot of democrats who are behind Trump all the way and some have sited his comments about immigration as their turning point. Isn't this the sort of thing that the clueless establishment tells us we shouldn't be saying because it turns people off?
    My point is that whether the elites want to face reality or not, Trump has has strong support from all corners of real society (not the make-believe world of Washington politicians) and could win the general election easily, not to mention that the muslim invaders are guaranteed to kill some more innocent Americans between now and then. That will further cement the deal. Trump has become a phenomenon and the establishment has no idea why or how to stop him. He will be our next president IF we are afforded another election and IF it isn't compromised.

  7. If Howdy Doody was the DNC choice, I would STILL vote for a conservative alternative. The RNC used to have a few candidates but, after 8 years of funding Colin Powell's cocktail parties, I'm done.

  8. so be it & they will lose their shirts!

  9. Good, without the neo-cons and the dominionists Congress might actually be able to accomplish something that benefits regular Americans instead of themselves and their friends.

  10. If the RNC does that it will be suicide and then they can just go away while we get our country back.

  11. What's another political party going to do???? NOTHING!! Just like the two we have now. These libitards are pulling out ALL the stops aren't they?? Ohh, I'm scared of another useless political party.

  12. They sure are scared of Trump. Maybe they are afraid he will find out just what is really going on in the government since he will not play their games. I think they are afraid he find out about the corruption going on and the millions being made by those involved in the government and he will put a stop to it. The days of them having it made are going to come to an end.

  13. Any idiot that leaves a party instead of trying to save it is a total moron. Third parties don't win elections.


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