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Monday, December 14, 2015

Nativity Taken Down To Make Way For Atheist Event In State Capitol

An atheist group has forced Nebraska to remove a nativity from its state capitol and replace it with an atheist display.

The nativity is allowed to stay up until Dec. 18 when it must be taken down so that an atheist display can be put up. The atheist display will feature a small model church and model capitol building with a large wall between them to symbolize the separation of church and state, The Lincoln Journal Star reports. The atheist display will be up through Christmas, but not the nativity.

The Christian legal group, The Thomas More Society, sponsored a nativity last year, which raised questions about a possible violation of the Establishment Clause. This year, though, the Lincoln Atheists group preempted the Christians by reserving all the available space in August.



  1. Atheists stand for nothing but harassing others.

    1. Not so. Just the ones that are jerks.

  2. Just like the Muslims.

  3. Merry Christmas to all !!!!

  4. It must be terrible to live such a pathetic, intrusive, annoying, bitter, and whiny little existence that these shrill and overly sensitive atheists must live.
    They seem to devote their lives to rooting out any religious thing at all that they can turn into a deep personal insult and tragedy.

  5. What's wrong? Feeling persecuted? You get what you give.


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