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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Muslim man kidnaps his female colleague and rapes her for five days ‘to convince her to convert to Islam’

Engineer Syen Emad Hasan, 30, proposed to the 27-year-old woman but she rejected him and said her family would not allow ‘an inter-religious marriage’, police said.

He harassed her until she cut short a work trip to Dubai. When she returned home to confront Hasan, he abducted her, locked her up at his house and took away her phone.

Hasan and the woman, who has not been named, worked together at a Dell computer repairs shop in Gachibowli, Hyderabad.

When she left the company and moved to Dubai in August, he ‘continued to torture her on social media’, police said.

‘The woman told us she was forced to talk to Hasan as he showed her photos and videos of them together in Hyderabad, and threatened to send them to her father, said Inspector Ravinder.

He added: ‘He [Hasan] also demanded that she send inappropriate photos of her.’

When she returned home to Hyderabad to confront him, he snatched her away to his flat in the al-Hasanath colony, Indian Express reported.

‘He took three days’ leave and brutalised and sexually assaulted her,’ said an officer of Hyderabad’s ‘She Team’, a police unit tasked with investigating sexual assault.

They added: ‘He threatened to continue doing so until she agreed to marry him after converting to Islam. He even threatened to set her on fire and strangle her.



  1. Why aren't muslims denoucning this? Where are the feminists? It's like the only reward in the Muslim religion is sex. Chop someones head off and you get 50 virgins in heaven... Rape enough times and you can turn someone to your God.

    Why would anyone want to worship a lord that promotes any of these brutalities for rewards of sexual pleasure?

  2. Islam us just another example of how religion screws up intelligent societies with emotional irrational ideology.

  3. Islam is not a religion it's a cult. Look at any other religion in the world and none are anything like this cult!!! They pick a choose what they like and dislike yet call themselves Muslim. The Devils greatest trick was having people not knowing he exists.

  4. A rapist espousing a "religion of peace"?!

    It's not a religion - it's a cult / doctrine / political party....anyone that would suggest the killing of others because they do not come to your side...is kinda like a Democrat!

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  5. Don't you just love the Muslims and how gentle, fair, kind and loving they are...NOT They are evil at the core. They have NO concern for women or for that matter life. period.

  6. Cave men had more sense.

  7. India has a very poor history with regard to rape and the treatment of rapists and their victims. Poor woman.

  8. This can`t be,islam is a peaceful religion.They are a peaceful people.


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