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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Muslim lawmaker blames Trump’s rhetoric for death threat

A Muslim lawmaker is blaming the “toxic environment” created by Donald Trump’s rhetoric on Islam for a death threat he received Monday.

Indiana Rep. André Carson said threats of violence against Muslims can be linked to Trump's “demagoguery.” Carson is a practicing Muslim and the first person of that faith to serve on the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

“I just received a death threat yesterday in my own office, and it’s largely in part to this toxic environment,” Carson said on CNN on Tuesday.

He added, “what concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people who are seeking to become president of the United States. You have other politicians who are joining the bandwagon and who are fanning the flames of bigotry.”



  1. How can a true Mudlim support the constitution? Sheep in wolves clothing.

    1. You mean wolves in sheep's clothing!!

  2. Aljazer, ISIS, the Talaban, and many other MUslims are always shouting Death threats to us, he needs to grow up and leave!
    He should see the writing on the wall, "We don't want you or your kind here in America"!

  3. The Muslim in the white house has been crapping on us for years. Until this is all worked out I agree with trump.

  4. well Mr Carson... get your muslim buddies to stop beheading, stabbing, shooting, and exploding people who are not muslim.

    then maybe you'll have a point

  5. 12:43 - only another 400 or so days remaining in the darkest period in American history!

  6. Sure, that is why! In my Adam Sandler impression, "SHUT UP!"

  7. Bull crap to you my friend...bacon fat rules!!!

  8. Yeah right, Andre.. it couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the recent terrorist attack. It had to have been caused by somebody's rhetoric.

  9. The religion of peace, if you believe that crap, you are an idiot.

  10. Just like all the "racial slurs" and "death threats" and "racist grafitti" and hate-filled threatening letters blacks have been "victim" of...

    Guarantee thiere was no "death threat".

  11. At work we took Abeeb off to one side and told him if he pulls any BS, we will kill his family. he is quiet now, no more crap about Muslim rights.

  12. We shouldn't have Muslim law makers.

  13. what time does gander mountain close tonight


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