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Saturday, December 19, 2015

MSP DUI Checkpoint Post Press Release 12-19-15


  1. lmao, 7 different agencies to catch 1 drunk. Wish they would put as much effort into the drug/heroin trade down here! oh that's right those people carry guns!

  2. All you did was infringe on the rights of over 100 citizens.

  3. 100 INNOCENT citizens stopped by armed government agents and questioned to see IF, maybe, possibly, somehow, there MIGHT be a crime being committed. To catch ONE criminal.
    In what world (other than one envisioned by George Orwell...) is this supposed to be okay in a republic?
    Get off your knees.

    1. I made 500 dollars in over time to work it. Your just peanut butter and Jealous.

  4. The people who complain the most are the biggest offenders. Wipe off your chin.

  5. lmao, $500 for a night of infringing on every citizens rights who came by you that night? you sold out way to cheaply! But then since you actually drank the koolaid and believe their BS, not really surprising considering your lack of IQ and future potential to actually produce something in the workforce.
    Good luck fool!

  6. 601 is the typical Obama voter drug dealer always crying.

  7. Sorry to ruin your windfall 11:36. I made $230K in the past 3 mos. (tax free) and didn't leave the house, risk my life or have people that want to shoot me. The best thing is that you see me around town and would never know that I am wealthy. It amuses me when people assume that I am like them because I blend in.


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