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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Mike Dunn Named Greater Salisbury Exec Director!

And people wonder why I bailed out of Salisbury.

It's all a part of their master plan.


  1. Yep biggest crook in town. It figures.

  2. Jan Weisman just rolled over in his grave. Jan, one of the most civil people ever, replaced by one of the most uncivil ever.

    GSC, you have sunk to new lows.

  3. Unreal!!! This move will be the end of the House of Lords.

  4. Good ole boy network at it's best. The best is yet to come!

  5. just same old same old. nothing will change

  6. Same old BS coming back. What:s his salary?

  7. What exactly does the Executive Director of Greater Salisbury do? Is it something different than what the County Executive does, or the mayor of Salisbury?
    Seems like a pointless position to be paying someone to perform?

  8. I wonder how many members are going to jump ship. With dues near 4k per year this was not what a lot signed up for. Jan was a master at bringing people together for the greater good of getting stuff done regardless of politics. Once members hear mikes politics they will be gone. I wonder who picked this guy.

  9. To those of you sending in comments with curse words, STOP. We will not publish them.

  10. I'd like to see Mike's resume. He has job hopped quite a bit at WSCL/Delmarva Public Radio, WBOC, Rx rep, Real estate, Apple Drugs & City Council and probably more. None of those have been with big success or accomplishments lists. Yes, Mike does love the community, but so does my dog and my 90 year old mother. Greater Salisbury could have gotten a better deal and hit their diversity target by hiring one of them.

  11. I am dropping my membership. Its not worth the money to see the mike show.

  12. This guy should have crawled back under his rock a long, long time ago!

  13. Im with 4:51 What Besides turmoil has this guy done for the greater good of Salisbury? he's failed at everything else he's done!is it is money that keeps him in the loop?I don't get it, he's useless as a politician he brings nobody together. Bad move but hey what we the people want means nothing. I just want to Know whose pocket he is in this time!!! he's never been a man to stand on his own he's a puppet for somebody else!

  14. To all commenters, straight up, Greater Salisbury is now ALL about the MONEY and NOTHING else.

    It's easy to assume that Dunn was put in this position because someone made a very hefty donation.

    Again, I mentioned in this Post there's a Master Plan.

    Anyone who forgets how Mike Dunn moved Sassafras Meadows forward with an illegal pipe stem annexation while his name was on the deeds of property there should have been enough to throw him out of office, if not worse.

    My recommendation to ALL of you, IF you thought things have been bad for the past 15 years in Salisbury, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET. Get out and get out fast, seriously. I don't know just how many times you need to get punched in the face with your hands tied behind your backs but if you continue to play stupid, well, then you'll get what stupidity deserves.

    1. Totally agree. The fox is now running the hen house.

  15. Where as Mike is a nice person on the outside......in his heart his actions speak louder than his words. Such a liberal that he's determined to destroy Salisbury if it's the last thing he does! He's evil walking in my opinion!

  16. I am seriously considering moving my Corp offices to Delaware.

  17. You've got to be kidding. This guy is a crook of the highest order.

  18. This group is pointless and the towns and organizations that pay into it are wasting their $$$. It's just an occasional get together for drinks and seeing what everyone else is doing. All politics. Why not just pick up the phone or e-mail to share ideas and info.

  19. He, like several others of his ilk, smile to your face, and stabs you in the back. He is as unethical as they come so I see how he fits right in with the other losers who think they are something.

  20. Did the new Mayor do this?

  21. Ugh... This is nauseating... but it is a great picture of Mikey!

  22. JoeAlbero said...
    To those of you sending in comments with curse words, STOP. We will not publish them.

    December 15, 2015 at 4:23 PM

    Why don't you just ***out some of the letters. I think that is appropriate.

  23. When are the good citizens of wicomico and salisbury going to take back this community? The political system is rigged. The social values continue to erode. Our local law enforcement is a joke. It's time for us to unite, form our own militia and take back this community.

  24. 8:00, Because I am not your babysitter. Grow up and act like Ladies & Gentlemen instead of proving some of you are non educated eastern shore fools.

  25. Incredible. With all of the talent in this organization they chose a snake oil salesman of the highest order. This is a long way down from some of the honorable men that have held that position.

  26. Love the pic. Birds of a feather...flock together....if u know what I mean !

  27. Wow, Joe is finally catching on....it took awhile, but inner shorebilly always shines through.

  28. Keep a close eye on him if you don't know him well, because there's nothing that Mike does that isn't good for Mike.

  29. I really don't get it...what has Mike Dunn that is so terrible? He is a guy that has grown up in Salisbury and loves his city. Am I missing something?

    1. Yes...you've missed alot. Go back to sleep and let the grown ups do the work on this blog.

  30. This is a big, big mistake on the part of Jake Day. So sad for Salisbury, just another snake in the grass................

  31. Mike has not aged well at all! Wish I could leave Salisbury both work wise and living wise; but unfortunately my house is worth so little now. Having a doofus like Mike being Greater Salisbury Director certainly does not help! Who elected/appointed him for this position? Do the citizens not have any say?

  32. 8:53, funny how the Chamber of Commerce dropped support of Winterfest of Lights, then Mike came to rescue it. Funny how the city of Salisbury shut the Jaycees down from doing fireworks, then Mike came to rescue it. See a pattern yet? Wonder what the Greater Whatever Committee will drop that Mike can rescue? Or will he wad up paper and throw it at elderly members who disagree with him, like he did that lady campaigning for someone he didn't like? Or throw someone out of a meeting for applauding when he doesn't want them to?

    Where you been that you haven't noticed any of this? FWIW, I don't have to call him names or accuse him of anything. Those are all just real things that happened. Draw your own conclusion.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Did the new Mayor do this?

    December 15, 2015 at 7:36 PM

    Wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't behind it.

  34. Y'all forgot why he got involved with Red, White and Boom and tried getting money raised for the fireworks show since it was dropped by the Jaycees who had no choice to drop it since the city, more than likely under Dunn's leadership cut the funding. Then Boom, Mike Dunn is now the hero since he was the center piece in this drama.

    Then we have him as MC for the Christmas Lights or is that Holiday Lights down at the park where he is the MC. Interesting how this is played out since he is again put in the spotlight. Interesting enough his buddy here is Kim Hudson for circumvented the system and got appointed to the Board of Education by the Democrat Governor. She is the one who did the same thing with the Christmas lights in the park. She started raising money for them. Nice tricks by both Dunn and Hudson, snakes in the grass. They are both manipulating the people and I refuse to be a part of it. I knew there was something about these 2. They only got involved to get face time because their main goal was something bigger. Don't fall for these 2 clowns, they are only in it for themselves and now we are stuck with this clown. The GSC always tries to include the elected officials in different issues and I will be surprised and disappointed in any of them participate in anything this clown invites them to. What an embarrassment to make Mike Dunn the director.

  35. Anonymous said...
    This is a big, big mistake on the part of Jake Day. So sad for Salisbury, just another snake in the grass................

    December 15, 2015 at 9:52 PM

    Yes Jake Day is a snake in the grass.

  36. And the president of the Greater Salisbury Committee is..... Mat Tilghman, husband of former mayor Barrie Tilghman, longtime co-conspirator pal of Mike Dunn.
    Does anyone need more dots to draw lines between?

  37. It appears Mike Dumb has kissed the right part of someone's anatomy again. It's the only way he gets anywhere.

  38. That's just too dam bad!

  39. Salisbury's Denver Moore!

  40. Here is the news from the Salisbury Business Journal. BARF!! Look at all the butt kissing praises. Lies, nothing but lies. Mat Tilghman... Does anyone see the connection? They made each other rich off of land deals. Don't forget about the fire house property on Cypress Street. CORRUPTION at it's best!!!

    Greater Salisbury Committee Announces New President/CEO
    December 16, 2015

    The Greater Salisbury Committee announces the appointment of long-time Salisbury resident Mike Dunn as its next President and CEO. The announcement comes from Mat Tilghman, Chairman of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

    Tilghman said; “I am extremely pleased and excited about Mr. Dunn becoming part of our organization. I see it as a continuation of Mr. Dunn’s love of and long commitment to our community. His ability to see a community need and then implementing a solution will be invaluable.”

    “GSC had a thorough selection and vetting process and we believe Mike is the right person for the job. He will bring community knowledge, energy and passion to the job. We are excited to have him as our next President.” said Jim Thomas, Acting President/CEO.

    Mr. Dunn’s hire comes after a four month long, national search to find a successor to former Executive Director Jan Wiseman, who passed away in June. Mr. Dunn will assume his responsibilities on January 4th, 2016.

    “I am humbled, honored, and excited to have been chosen to help lead the Greater Salisbury Committee into its next phase,” Dunn said. “The Greater Salisbury Committee has a track record of success in identifying our community’s needs and, once identified, finding solutions to those needs. I look forward to bringing the expertise of the Greater Salisbury Committee’s members to the table with area community leaders, business professionals, and elected officials to solve problems and to explore new opportunities.”

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day said; “The Greater Salisbury has made a fantastic choice in a leader to help the organization take new steps to help transform our city. Mike Dunn has proven himself to be a community-minded person who builds capacity in others. Whether through Red White & Boom, Winter Wonderland of Lights or many other endeavors, his heart for Salisbury shines through.”

    Dunn joins the Greater Salisbury Committee with a wide range of professional and civic experience. He is a former President of the Salisbury City Council, a former Chair of the Wicomico Relay For Life, and the current Chair of Red White and BOOM, Salisbury’s 4th of July fireworks celebration. Dunn is also currently on the Board of Directors at Coastal Hospice. Professionally, Dunn was most recently employed as a marketing representative with Apple Infusion, a division of Apple Discount Drugs. Prior to that, he worked for ten years at Delmarva Public Radio, where he was the Corporate Support Director and, at the time of his departure, the station’s Interim General Manager. In addition, Dunn spent a decade working with Aventis Pharmaceuticals, as a sales rep and, in the mid to late 1980’s, was a general assignment reporter for WBOC-TV.

    Dunn lives in Salisbury with his wife Karen and their dog Zuzu.

  41. I love that picture!!

  42. I wonder if he and his wife are still swingers?

  43. Joe, please keep this and Matt Holloway's story up at the top all day. The left column is not as effective as you think. I never go back and I know many who don't either so we don't get to see the comments.

  44. This says it all:

    Anonymous said...

    And the president of the Greater Salisbury Committee is..... Mat Tilghman, husband of former mayor Barrie Tilghman, longtime co-conspirator pal of Mike Dunn.
    Does anyone need more dots to draw lines between?
    December 16, 2015 at 6:20 AM

    Let me add, however, that the press release says they hired him after a 4-month NATIONAL search. You going to tell me after that all they could find was a local guy who went crawling to the city council for fireworks money because he said he couldn't raise the funds all by himself? Someone who is director caliber would have built a fundraising team, delegated and been a huge success.

    Either that's the biggest good ole boy hire I've ever seen or the national search turned up nobody better to come to the rathole that Dunn and Tilghman helped create. Or both.

  45. I like that you're forcing people to be creative without allowing them to curse.They actually can do that.Challenge them to elevate themselves to your level.That's a very good thing.

  46. What an awesome picture. That's just how I remember him.

  47. Anonymous said...
    This says it all:

    Anonymous said...

    And the president of the Greater Salisbury Committee is..... Mat Tilghman, husband of former mayor Barrie Tilghman, longtime co-conspirator pal of Mike Dunn.
    Does anyone need more dots to draw lines between?
    December 16, 2015 at 6:20 AM

    Let me add, however, that the press release says they hired him after a 4-month NATIONAL search. You going to tell me after that all they could find was a local guy who went crawling to the city council for fireworks money because he said he couldn't raise the funds all by himself? Someone who is director caliber would have built a fundraising team, delegated and been a huge success.

    Either that's the biggest good ole boy hire I've ever seen or the national search turned up nobody better to come to the rathole that Dunn and Tilghman helped create. Or both.

    December 18, 2015 at 1:40 AM

    I seriously doubt there was a national search. If there was they ignored all the applicants. Yes, people are out of work and they would have applied for anything so I am confident there would have been hundreds of qualified applicants needing a job and many more unqualified and we end up with this buffoon!

  48. I am an elected official and I promise you I will not be attending any of these events. I have yet gone to see his Fireworks show because I knew it wasn't sincere and I didn't go to the Christmas Light opening. All Fraudulent.

    I challenge all elected officials to boycott the New House of Lords!

  49. lol that dude looks like a clown, he's definitely on the wrong side of the master lock

  50. Swinger? Really,,,,certainly can't imagine anyone even partially "atrracted" to this goofy looking face!

  51. Salisbury is now the laughingstock of the entire state, not just the Eastern Shore!


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