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Friday, December 11, 2015

Md. leaders consider 'universal' voting registration

Maryland's top Democrats are looking at legislation that would automatically put every eligible state resident on the voting rolls, abandoning the traditional registration system.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Busch say they are seriously considering putting their weight behind a "universal voter registration" plan. If a change were approved, Maryland would join a small number of state legislatures, all led by Democrats, that passed laws to register people who did not take the initiative to register.

The policy would add hundreds of thousands of voters to rolls here — and faces deep objections from the Maryland Republican Party.

"This is all about the Democrats finding new voters. This is a joke," said Joe Cluster, executive director of the state GOP. "God forbid they actually go out there and register people to vote."



  1. This is nothing more than passive registration. The democrats are indeed padding the rolls in their favor instead of actually getting out and getting eligible people to register to vote.

    If Miller and Busch are behind this bill, the Governor would be better served to look into this further to see what is actually going on. I think it is a way to eliminate republican voters. Dems are feeling the pain and will stoop to new lows to get back on top.

  2. With this, there is no screening process. Felons, Aliens, heck, Canadian and Mexican residents can run the country!

    Democrats never think past their noses!

  3. Governor "VETO" this bill when it hits your desk. DemocRATS are loosing control and they will try anything to keep it. These two "IDIOTS" need to go quickly like next election. They have destroyed this State, just like they have assisted in destroying Baltimore.

  4. I would imagine since it is Busch and Miller behind it all new registered voters would be registered as Democrats whether they like it or not. So much for Maryland being the Free State.

  5. this is NOT good for our state or our country. must do what we can to educate and stop this asap!!!

  6. a person wants to vote, they register themselves.

  7. Democrats love fraud.

  8. How on earth could they weed out the illegal immigrants since we now give them licenses? Just another path to voter fraud.


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