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Friday, December 18, 2015

Maryland, My Maryland? Panel urges changes in state song

Maryland's rarely sung state song may be in for some tinkering. A state advisory group is calling for changes to "Maryland, My Maryland" because it takes the Confederate side in the Civil War and bashes "Northern scum."

Sung to the same tune as the Christmas carol "O Tannenbaum," the state anthem — performed mainly at the Preakness and some other official events — has irked or embarrassed many over the years because of its pro-Southern sentiments. This week, an eight-member panel of historians, musical scholars and a poet urged lawmakers to replace most or all of the lyrics, or even select an entirely different song.

"No one's looking to ban the [current] state song," said Timothy D. Baker, state archivist and chairman of the group. Instead, he explained, the group suggested coming up with some musical expression that would be "reflective of all Marylanders."



  1. I have no problem with the song. Leave it alone! The Northern scum came into Maryland and made us an occupied state!

  2. Possibly we should erase all history and recite oaths to our dear leader and sing his praises.

  3. Keep the song as it was written. Do gooders should find some other issue to meddle in, not this one.

  4. Why do we continue to cater to this outlandish demands to erase all history from our land? What do we have in the United States, a bunch of pansies?

  5. national anthem is next.
    We can't have bombs bursting in air.
    or talk about a flag
    OH MY!!!!

  6. "musical expression that would be "reflective of all Marylanders."

    Would that be descendants of Marylanders here when Maryland My Maryland was written - or come heres who believe their life's mission is to change the thinking of the born and raised heres.

    There is no way on God's earth that anything can be said or written or sung or thought that would be "reflective of all Marylanders."

    Get a life and worry about living your life - by the 10 Commandment and the Constitution of the United States. That way you will be too busy to concern yourself with such BS

  7. how about a song named muslimers oh muslimers

  8. Just hum over the parts you don't like.


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