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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Marion Station church treasurer charged with embezzlement

MARION STATION, Md. (AP) — Maryland State Police have charged the treasurer of a Marion Station church with stealing nearly $17,000 worth of funds from the congregation.

Police said in a news release Thursday that 34-year-old James Franklin Powell faces several criminal charges, including embezzlement, theft and theft scheme in connection with an investigation started last month.

Authorities say Powell, who is the church treasurer at Quindocqua United Methodist Church, wrote several fraudulent checks from the church account over a period of time beginning in 2004. Police say Powell initially denied writing the checks, but later admitted to writing them when he was seen on surveillance video writing the checks.

Pastor Charles Jacobson says Powell will remain a member of the church, but will not work in an official capacity at the church



  1. Gee whiz, what is with all these embezzlers on the lower Eastern Shore?

  2. Too much trust and not enough trustworthiness. It doesn't matter who it is that's handling your money -- be smart and have a regular audit.

  3. I heard he is going to be treasurer for the town of Pittsville now

  4. that wont happen Denver moore wont give up any control at Pittsville


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