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Monday, December 21, 2015

Marijuana is literally the least of the nation’s drug worries, the police have announced

America's cops overwhelmingly do not see marijuana as a major threat to their communities, according to results of a survey released this week as part of the Drug Enforcement Administration's "2015 National Drug Threat Assessment Summary."

The DEA asked a nationally representative sample of over 1,000 law enforcement agencies what they saw as their biggest drug threats. Marijuana came in at the bottom of the list, named by only 6 percent of survey respondents. The share of law enforcement agencies naming pot has been declining steadily since the mid-2000s, even as states have moved to legalize medical and recreational marijuana during that time period.



  1. When they ticket you for 10 grams or less, who is law enforcement really protecting?

  2. no kidding. we have known this for decades. glad you finally climbed aboard.


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