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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Maine Governor Vows to Veto Any Expansion of Medicaid Under Obamacare

Maine GOP Gov. Paul LePage, who's repeatedly crushed efforts to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, promises to veto another bill being pushed by two fellow Republican lawmakers.

In his weekly radio address on Maine Public Radio, LePage blasted the legislative effort as election-year politicking.

"We have vetoed Medicaid expansion five times, and we will veto it every time electioneering politicians try to bring it up," he said.

The Sun Journal reports supporters of expansion haven't been able to muster enough support to override another veto.

"As Yogi Berra said, 'It’s déjà vu all over again'," Adrienne Bennett, a spokeswoman for the governor, tells the newspaper. "The results were disastrous for Maine when it expanded this kind of welfare in 2002, and now it’s blowing holes in state budgets around the country."

According to Bennett, Illinois, Rhode Island, Ohio, New Mexico and California were all states that saw their budgets decimated by expanding Medicaid.

"And the list keeps growing. Obamacare is crumbling because there is no such thing as free money," Bennett tells the newspaper.



  1. He will give in , they will offer him something he can't refuse.

  2. Must have some brain matter in the old cranium then

  3. Rinos pushing the bill? The GOP needs to support someone else to run against them but then the GOP now really is just a support group for the Democrats,the TEA party are the only real consertives left and they are gaining more support every day.


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