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Monday, December 07, 2015

Liberty president calls for an armed Christian campus

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. urged students, staff and faculty at his Christian school to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon on campus to counter any copycat attack like the deadly rampage in California just days ago.

“Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here,” Falwell told an estimated 10,000 of the campus community at convocation Friday in Lynchburg. While Falwell’s call to arms was applauded, his remarks also seemed to target Muslims.

“I’ve always thought if more good people had concealed carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in .,” Falwell said. The final words of his statement could not be clearly heard on a videotape of the remarks.



  1. Referring to potential attackers as "Muslims" was not necessary. It's inflammatory and not entirely correct, as a significant percentage of mass murders are committed by people who are simply nutcases, usually racist nutcases. Or just racist bastards in dire need of a hot lead injection of righteousness in a full metal jacket.

    Besides, firing upon people who haven't even walked in or posed a threat, is called murder.

    Legally exercising your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't mean you get a pass on the 6th Commandment.

    1. Who let this moron in the blog?

  2. Smart man!! I agree.

  3. Agreed, all normal God fearing people need to arm now to defend themselves from the Islamists, big pharma drug addicts,and far left crazies.

  4. Another reason why I'm glad my daughter is attending Liberty University!

  5. I find this type of statement to be troubling. There's a difference between taking steps to protect yourselves and your campus and talking big and encouraging others to buy into your hateful rhetoric. How is this type of thing any different than what the jihadis do?

  6. Hey 5:52 ,
    if it walks like a duck , if it quacks like a duck , if it looks like a duck , then it is a duck , shoot it.


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