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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Liberals Want to Ban “Offensive” Mistletoe

These people literally take the fun out of everything. Cornell University has just issued a guide to “inclusive” Christmas decorations, if you can believe it. In it, they do their darnedest to eradicate Christianity from all aspects of the holiday. No mistletoe, no stars, nothing that would evoke religion. And they mean Christianity, of course. It’s just not ‘diverse’ enough. These guidelines were in a fire safety PDF which The Daily Caller linked to along with Campus Reform. It has since been taken down. Imagine that. They got caught. The second half of the manual was all about making Christmas more “inclusive.” What a bunch of Grinches.



  1. Liberals have to be the most sad, miserable, demented, and generally mentally ill people on earth. Everything under the sun either offends them, hurts their tiny little feelings, or they can not relate to any moral base in which to make decisions that make sense. In their world, they must change and modify everyone else in order for them (liberals) to be able to function in society.

    For their own sake and safety, I feel they should all be put into institutions with little rooms painted bright white and have padding on all the walls. There should be no colored paintings, or books, or music, or sounds. There should be one glaring mirror that they must stare into every hour of every day to see just what stupid looks like.

  2. How does mistletoe evoke religion?

  3. ok, i think it would be a great idea if everyone would just be sure to have mistletoe at home, car and even carry some with them. make these people choke on mistletoe...

  4. Just for them, I'm going to hang some Mistletoe on my belt. Front and back.

  5. Just one more reason to not attend this 'institution'.


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