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Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Flat-out, YES the left wants an all-out ban on guns

Kudos to Salon. While Conservatives have been told that they’re crazy, and that “nobody wants to take your guns away!” Salon has the courage to admit that what liberals really want (what they’ve always wanted) is to completely repeal the Second Amendment…

We know this intuitively, since we’ve had to add numerous amendments to make up for their failures, lack, or just plain ignorance. But if we can add, we can also take away, by interpreting the Second Amendment differently or passing a new amendment that would effectively repeal it. We should never do so lightly, of course—taking away rights can be, and often is, a risky enterprise. But the purpose of a right should be individual and collective flourishing. A right, in other words, has as its goal the individual and common good, even if we don’t like to use such weighty moral terminology nowadays.

It’s not clear to me that gun ownership accomplishes that purpose. It seems more the case that it works against the good of all, in the havoc and murder it wreaks but also in the fear that in promotes. At the very least, we should have a discussion about the relationship of guns to the common good, instead of appealing like a fundamentalist to “rights” every time something happens that questions their value.

Flat-out, YES the left wants an all-out ban on guns. We’re not surprised by this at all, but for some liberals who think “gun control” is all about thorough background checks, limited capacity magazines, or the banning of scary guns based on their blackness or pistol grips, this could be news. Hopefully you’re sitting down. We told you so. Times a million.



  1. the next time a lefty says "no one should have a gun". Confuse the hell out of them by agreeing and arguing FOR repealing the 2nd Amendment. Its a fun little exercise to see how their little addled minds break down.

  2. These democrats that want this take the oath to uphold the constitution so if they decide to do this they can be escorted right out of office by the republican congress and the military.

  3. no we must destroy the ability of the liberals to do anything against our Constitution and Bill of Rights. period!!!

  4. and those of you that consent to background checks and registering weapons help them in their quest.

  5. if this would happen then it should be a ban of all weapons INCLUDING BODY GUARDS AND SECRET SERVICE AND TSA

  6. Liberals are the one and only true enemy of America! Liberals are traitors and should be treated as such!!

  7. 3:01 Which States have no background checks? As for as registering your weapon, it is done when you buy it. That is how they trace a weapon for years now. Where is your common sense? What does the ATF do with this information?

  8. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment. This is the reason the 2nd Amendment was created.

  9. Didn't need to know anymore than we already did. Been fighting for 30 years and after this jackal in the WH we won't have to worry about them for a while.

  10. Anonymous Concerned Retiree said...
    3:01 Which States have no background checks? As for as registering your weapon, it is done when you buy it. That is how they trace a weapon for years now. Where is your common sense? What does the ATF do with this information?

    December 9, 2015 at 7:14 PM

    I did have a background check and my weapons are not registered.

  11. I did have a background check and my weapons are not registered.

    December 9, 2015 at 8:28 PM

    That should have said, did NOT have a background and weapons not registered

  12. The 2nd amendment was written for the gov't we have today. Come take them. The Brits tried that a long time ago and we started the revolutionary war and kept our guns. History repeats.


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