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Friday, December 11, 2015

Liberal Feminist Joy Brighton: Deport Entire Families of Terrorists from U.S.

“Sharia-ism, the political movement of radical Islam, is like Communism. It’s like Nazism. It’s a system of total control and they are justifying their total control on some archaic religious rules called Sharia,” says longtime women’s rights champion Joy Brighton, author of “Sharia-ism Is Here: The Battle To Control Women; And Everyone Else.”

On Breitbart News Daily, Brighton made the case that Sharia is already here in America thanks to Muslim immigration and the political correctness that’s allowing it to take hold and spread.

Later in the interview, Brighton warned about several things that the United States should be doing—but isn’t—to protect this country from radical Islamic terrorism. One thing she noted is that America should deport all family members of anyone who engages in terrorism.

“There’s a few things we should be doing to protect our country,” Brighton said. “When a terrorist kills someone in this country or terrorizes someone in this country, the entire extended family must be deported. That way it is very humane—you just get everybody and you put them on a plane. It’s only the family members, and extended family members, who want to stay in this country who can police their own family members.”

Brighton specifically noted, too, that the United States has yet to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

“The Muslim Brotherhood—you talk about a ban—the Muslim Brotherhood needs to be shut down in this country. We look at our coalition leaders—Saudi Arabia, the [United Arab] Emirates, Egypt, et cetera—what did they do when ISIS first popped its head up? They banned the Muslim Brotherhood. And yet we are not willing to do that.”

Keep reading..


  1. Where did you get the picture of a kid standing between two beach umbrellas?

  2. WOW.

    A liberal feminist has just woken up to the nightmarish reality of Islamic infiltration, and the implications for women's rights.

    About time.

  3. Immigrants should not be allowed to bring in extended families. The family should consist of Mother, Father and children under 18 period. Anchor babies citizenship should only be recognized at the age of 18, since they are using this loophole to their interpretation then this is my interpretation.

  4. 2:14,I really believe they think it's a fairy tale just to be mean to Muslims.


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