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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Liberal and Conservative Elites stunned at mind-blowing turnaround in Donald Trump’s poll numbers explains why he’s blowing everyone out of the water

At a certain point the so-called Conservative intelligentsia types like George Will and David Brooks become useless to listen to because their own self-interests doesn’t allow them to go beyond the bubble thinking of Washington D.C. They rather stay in the bubble and get invited to D.C. cocktail parties with other elites than to embrace what’s happening among the regular folks in America.

Donald Trump not only represents a tipping point against seven years of Barack Obama radical Leftistism, but also more importantly a rebellion against the GOP establishment who governs against the will of the base, who refuses to fight for conservative principles, and a emphatic rejection of the GOP’s habit of putting up mushy moderates as their nominee. There isn’t a conservative pundit that would ever report this because that would banish then from the club.


1 comment:

  1. How can anyone be "stunned"? He's a real person addressing real issues.I'm not confused by this.


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