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Sunday, December 06, 2015

JUST IN: The FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation announces that the ‪#‎SanBernardino‬ massacre is now being investigated as "an act of terrorism."

JUST IN: The FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation announces that the #SanBernardino massacre is now being investigated as "an act of terrorism."
Posted by The Kelly File on Friday, December 4, 2015


  1. did they figure it out before or after MSNBC raided the apartment?

  2. The rest of the country figured that out 2 days ago!


  3. Sure took them long enough to find out what we already knew!

  4. Where is the pic of the scum muslim female terrorist that killed all those people at a Christmas party ?.

  5. No really?

    They were just mad because someone said Merry Christmas according to Obama news CBS, NBC, ABC,CNN,

    and al the other Alphabetical news that the Government runs...and you SHEEP believe

  6. Obama will now shut down the FBI...

  7. AS IF it makes any difference in anything..

  8. TERRORISM? There were only 1 bullet over the threshold of job place violence.

  9. What's with the silhouette picture I'm sure Department of Homeland Defence or ICE, Immigration Services has a picture on her visa application? Given the billion$ tax suckers they are. Or ARE we trying to apply political correctness and not show a picture of her face because she's a Muslim woman? Remember to thanks our leaders. Including daddy Bush for funding, training, equiping and allowing this farce to continue. The berlin wall should have stayed UP. Ill take the cold war over this BS. This monster they have created is allot worse. Its a frankenstien, or is it their intention?

  10. Obama will demand this be called "Workplace violence".

  11. 3:30 You are close. Obama has instructed the MSM to say that it was workplace violence brought on by climate change. The man is incompetent and should be drug tested.

  12. Ok I am buying Fox News the press conference with the family she wears a Fully covered burka! you going to tell me the State Department took a picture of her in a burka!!??

  13. What no passport picture? Come on now. Lets see the witches face!!!!

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 4, 2015 at 6:28 PM

    I agree with 4:22. Obama is puppet who just reads telleprompters. The real Puppeteer pulling the strings in the White House is Iranian woman Valerie Jarrett. They all need to be charged with Treason!


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