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Sunday, December 20, 2015

JUST IN: Bowe Bergdahl faces court-martial and possible life imprisonment

Washington (CNN)U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face a military court on charges of desertion and endangering fellow soldiers, the U.S. Army announced Monday.

Gen. Robert Abrams, the commander of U.S. Army Forces Command, ordered the court-martial on Monday, breaking with the U.S. military officer overseeing Bergdahl's preliminary hearing who recommended that Bergdahl be referred to a special court-martial and face no jail time.

Abrams on Monday ordered Bergdahl's case to a general court-martial, which means Bergdahl could face life imprisonment if convicted of "misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place."



  1. Why not shoot the bastard? 4 good men died trying to find his butt.

  2. Disagree. Unknown what happened and your comment is very stupid. Yes I served so don't go down that road.

  3. 5:05
    If he is found guilty of desertion, he should face a firing squad. Nothing less!

    1. Let me guess you were in like 40 years ago for 3 years. Please I have more in pressing my uniform then you ever have active duty. Two much bs with this case only one side being told by CNN.

    2. Ironing your uniform once a month for a weekend, please we called you guys weekend warriors.

  4. So the results of negotiating with terrorists are: We receive a deserter who's probably going to get court-martialed and spend life in prison; AND in exchange for the deserter, we release five captured terrorist back to the Taliban, of which some have already returned to the battlefield.

    When Trump says "we don't win anymore", is this an example of what he's talking about?

  5. Ohfergodssakes. He's only been "facing court martial and possible life imprisonment" for the better part of a year now, as the same headline goes back at least to March. Nothing has changed.

    He is still sucking air he doesn't deserve. The five rabid dogs he was supposedly "equal" to in a trade, are back in the business of inhuman and savage Islamism.

    Hope his trial, conviction and death sentence is carried out as efficiently and promptly as Timothy McVeigh's was.

  6. 6:04 --

    So why isn't 3 years enough -- you sound like another loser-lifer that makes our military a bad joke.

    1. 727 your no different just quit at different times. Smh. Disgrace.

  7. Bergdahl's problem is there are far too many witnesses to his conduct. For all you Bergdahl defenders all I can say is "good luck".

  8. to 3 years: you probably would have gone with him...

  9. Anonymous said...
    Disagree. Unknown what happened and your comment is very stupid. Yes I served so don't go down that road.

    December 14, 2015 at 5:05 PM

    Unknown what? We all know what this traitor did and it is treasonous for you to support him so your comment is Stupid!!

    Let me guess... you are a weak Libtard who voted for Obama.

    Ok we won't go down that road. You must have gone in under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. You cried every time someone yelled at you during Boot Camp. You were such a pu$$y that you got out as soon as you got a chance.

    1. 811 sounds like we hit a nerve. It's obvious you didn't serve or served a few hours. Some of us make it a carreer. I think the blogger simply states this story sounds like a possible set up and it could be. But before you pass judgment from your couch living off your small retirement check THINK before you type. And nowhere does it say he converted just basically quit like you did.

  10. For all you Bergie lovers have you forgotten that he and his parent are now Muslim converts? Or maybe that is why you voted for and love Obama.

  11. 816 he was tortured and treated worse the any prisoner of war in 60 years. Escaped twice and then put in a 7ft box for 3 years. The box was never cleaned. This will be a movie some day.


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