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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Jury Acquits Delaware Officer Who Kicked Man in the Head of Assault

A jury acquitted a police officer Tuesday of assault after he kicked a suspect in the head, breaking his jaw.

Jurors deliberated for about 16 hours over three days before acquitting Dover police officer Thomas Webster IV of felony assault and misdemeanor assault.

Webster testified he didn't intend to kick Lateef Dickerson in the head in August 2013 and instead was aiming for his upper body. Webster also said he feared for the safety of himself and others because officers were told Dickerson was armed with a gun, and Dickerson was slow to comply with repeated commands to get on the ground.

Prosecutors argued Webster acted recklessly and used excessive force.



  1. Good, cops have a tough enough job without having to be dealing with a bunch of crybabies looking for a big payoff. I would stomp on most of the thugs if I could, they deserve it!

  2. Cops should be allowed to beat the crap out of criminals, maybe these creeps might not try crime again. I know I am sick of being a victim of crime here in Slumbury. Purse stolen, dog poisoned, house broken into, car broken into, groceries stolen.

    1. Sorry citizen, but kicking people accused of a crime into unconsiousness is unconstitutional. It's un-American.

    2. But it's ok to circumvent the constitution and make your own laws like YOUR president right?

  3. 118 he was found not guilty. Now your being racist.

  4. 1:18 Obviously you didn't read the facts, typical kneejerk liberal.

  5. 1:18 I think it says not guilty... That is the opposite of guilty.

  6. 118 you statement contradicts itself..

  7. I don't understand how "I didn't mean to kick him in the head" is an acceptable defense. If I had kicked someone in the head, I would be in jail for assault and liable for his medical bills. It wouldn't matter if he had approached me with a gun or not!

    1. 238 it's a good thing your opionin means nothing.

  8. When I was a cop, we used to kick them in the balls a couple of times till they threw up, then they might also bump their head getting into the back of the patrol car.
    They also used to fall down the stairs getting into central booking.
    It is a shame how clumsy some criminals are after they get arrested.

  9. 5:12
    Does that make you feel like a big tough guy? Knowing you can abuse someone even though you are suppose to protect them? Karma will come back to bite you in the butt.....or maybe it will bite you where you liked to kick others.

  10. We need more cops like 5:12 than we wouldn't have all the crime we got in Slumsbury.

  11. 238 isn't as aware as hardened criminals such as yourself 405. Knowledge is an element of a criminal offense, which is why compartmentalization is essential.

  12. Good, I'm glad! I'm also sick & tired of all this cop bashing. What would we do without them?

  13. Webster was Wrong !!! He needs to be kicked in the face and head.

  14. until it happens to you right? people that condone this cops behavior is partly the reason cops get bashed and shot. a badge and wearing a costume to not grant extra rights.

  15. The dummies above are not intelligent enough to understand what a "mitigating circumstance" is. You can't comprehend anything grey, you only see black and white. In fact, you only see Black. The jury's verdict of not guilty was the right one and the jurors are to be commended for their courage.

  16. absolutely the correct decision. the officer did the best he could given all the circumstances. What he did was in no way a criminal act given the totality of the circumstances (dispatch said guy was armed, guy was non compliant for too long before officer kicked). too many of those situations went the other way with a dead cop, so I dont blame him for reacting the way he did. Again, handle this internally, but it wasnt a criminal act. The Delaware AG knew that too, he's just trying to win an election

  17. 12:49-You can be assured that it will NEVER happen to me. Just as you can be assured I'll never be homeless or any of the other lame excuses people make for trying to malign someone who disagrees with them.
    Now let's me make this clear to you-do you understand? IF I had just committed a crime, was armed, wouldn't listen to lawful commands to surrender then YES I am smart enough to realize that things may not turn out well. That's the problem. These people who this happens to aren't too smart.

  18. Praise the Lord there is a God! I am still praying for the officers in Baltimore and the one in Chicago.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Sorry citizen, but kicking people accused of a crime into unconsiousness is unconstitutional. It's un-American.

    December 10, 2015 at 1:18 PM

    Since you think it is un-American and we should go by your rules then I suggest you move to another country.

  20. Has anyone else noticed that every country in the world is tough on crime except America? Unless you are white of course.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Cops should be allowed to beat the crap out of criminals, maybe these creeps might not try crime again. I know I am sick of being a victim of crime here in Slumbury. Purse stolen, dog poisoned, house broken into, car broken into, groceries stolen.

    December 10, 2015 at 12:47 PM

    Agreed! I have been the victim of crime in Salisbury more times then I can count. The cops don't even want to investigate and never ever have I seen one dust for finger prints. WTF and Jim Ireton and Jake Day want to lie to us and tell us that crime is down in Salisbury! And no I can't move because I can't sell my house and I can't afford to let this one go into foreclosure and have to rent some where else.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't understand how "I didn't mean to kick him in the head" is an acceptable defense. If I had kicked someone in the head, I would be in jail for assault and liable for his medical bills. It wouldn't matter if he had approached me with a gun or not!

    December 10, 2015 at 2:38 PM

    If you don't like what happened then why don't you become a cop and then you can play by your rules.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When I was a cop, we used to kick them in the balls a couple of times till they threw up, then they might also bump their head getting into the back of the patrol car.
    They also used to fall down the stairs getting into central booking.
    It is a shame how clumsy some criminals are after they get arrested.

    December 10, 2015 at 5:12 PM

    LMAO. And to think Rodney King ruined all that for us.

  24. Anonymous said...
    until it happens to you right? people that condone this cops behavior is partly the reason cops get bashed and shot. a badge and wearing a costume to not grant extra rights.

    December 11, 2015 at 12:49 PM

    WTF did you attempt to say? Maybe you should have stayed in school longer.

  25. Anonymous said...
    The dummies above are not intelligent enough to understand what a "mitigating circumstance" is. You can't comprehend anything grey, you only see black and white. In fact, you only see Black. The jury's verdict of not guilty was the right one and the jurors are to be commended for their courage.

    December 13, 2015 at 8:44 AM

    Thank you!

  26. Anonymous said...
    The dummies above are not intelligent enough to understand what a "mitigating circumstance" is. You can't comprehend anything grey, you only see black and white. In fact, you only see Black. The jury's verdict of not guilty was the right one and the jurors are to be commended for their courage.

    December 13, 2015 at 8:44 AM

    All those dummies you speak of have never been a victim of Black on White crime. Many of us has numerous times. This liberal country bends over backwards for blacks and allows them to segregate themselves from whites, but whites aren't allowed to do the same. Blacks are entitled to all the tax payers benefits, but whites are not allowed. Now we are told that we can't refer blacks to the office when they commit offenses in school. Now the government is working on legislation to ensure that blacks get lower sentences than whites even though they are the ones committing most of the crimes.

    1. Have never been a victim of Black on White crime, have only been a victim of White on White crime... Does that mean I can force you on the ground at gun point and break your jaw with a kick to the face? I'll be right by.

  27. What you idiots aren't seeing is the whole picture. You are just seeing a short clip that the media wants you to see. If you saw the whole video you would agree with the decision. Unless you are a cop hater of course.

    1. No cuffed person deserves to be kicked in the face period.f the police!

  28. Simple don't break the law.

  29. Anonymous said...
    12:49-You can be assured that it will NEVER happen to me. Just as you can be assured I'll never be homeless or any of the other lame excuses people make for trying to malign someone who disagrees with them.
    Now let's me make this clear to you-do you understand? IF I had just committed a crime, was armed, wouldn't listen to lawful commands to surrender then YES I am smart enough to realize that things may not turn out well. That's the problem. These people who this happens to aren't too smart.

    December 13, 2015 at 9:34 AM


    Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    I agree with you they aren't to smart and I am sick and tired of the Libtards and RINO's feeling sorry for those thugs. I can't wait until they are a victim of Crime by Thugs!

  30. WTF did you attempt to say? Maybe you should have stayed in school longer.

    December 13, 2015 at 10:05 AM

    if you can't understand him maybe you need to go back to school

  31. Some people need to know the back story. The Attorney General in Delaware was grandstanding. Wanted national media. Well he got it. He will not win another election in Delaware ever. Moron.

    This case went exactly as it should have. Thank God some Americans still have a back bone and do what is right not politically correct. Joe thanks for posting this.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Some people need to know the back story. The Attorney General in Delaware was grandstanding. Wanted national media. Well he got it. He will not win another election in Delaware ever. Moron.

    This case went exactly as it should have. Thank God some Americans still have a back bone and do what is right not politically correct. Joe thanks for posting this.

    December 13, 2015 at 12:20 PM

    the cops kicks this guy in the head and breaks his jaw and the AG was grandstanding? the jury took 3 days before finally giving in to their fear of police 'not protecting' them if they returned the proper verdict.

    even if his bogus claim about him meaning to kick him in the chest were true, that is wrong too. and it's not like this cop is a bruce lee, the guy was on his hands and knees when he was kicked.

    if I was him, I would want some payback

  33. 9:13 I have never been a victim of a crime either or a criminal.
    Now if in fact I had just committed a crime, was armed and refused to obey lawful commands then YES by all means if you are the cop, kick the living hell out of me. The problem with you people is that you are beyond ignorant. Beyond ignorant. It's amazing such imbeciles like yourself are fouling our air. When you act like a thug and attempt to show off and be non compliant it may just not turn out well.
    When are you ignoramuses going to figure this out. It's not rocket science. Comply-it's that simple and stop trying to show off.

  34. 10:39 AM

    lol ur full of it and so stupid it's funny

  35. NOT GUILTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Free at last Free at last. Sorry morons jury gave right verdict. I am moving to Delaware !!!!!!!!!!

    They will walk in Blatimore now that the prosecution had to come off of the truth. Those cops should have never been charged at all. All six are innocent of criminal wrong doing. Mosby grandstanding. Her husband out walking among the rioters now he wants to run for mayor. Enough said.

    Cops are not paid to get hurt or take the publics shit. Nice kick officer. It was highly effective.

  36. 1:29 PM

    good stay there and never cross the state line. take like minded people with you. I would suggest laurel unless you want to go further north, which is fine. you would fit right in with the losers they have there


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