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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Judge Torpedoes Atheists' Attack On Veterans Memorial In Maryland

A war memorial erected to honor America’s fallen veterans is not a violation of the Constitution, a federal judge has ruled in rejecting a claim by atheists’ that the monument, in the shape of a cross, must be torn down.

“It is hereby declared by the ownership, maintenance and display of the monument by the commission do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution,” wrote U.S. District Judge Deborah Chasanow Monday in her decision regarding what often has been called the Bladensburg Cross.

That is a 40-foot tall Latin cross at the intersection of Maryland Route 450 and U.S. Route 1 in Bladensburg, Maryland.

It was proposed by a community group at the time of World War I and later completed by the American Legion to contain a plaque listing the names of 49 men from Prince George’s County who died in that conflict.


  1. Bravo!
    A Judge that understands our Constitution.

  2. Thank God we have a judge with a backbone. This country better do some major healing in a short amount of time. The American flag is next. Americans need to stand their ground on all politically correct issues. All Americans have rights under the constitution not just illegals and minorities. Enough is enough.

  3. Thank you, Your Honor.

  4. As an atheist, I object to campaigns to eliminate harmless memorials such as this one. The message is one of remembrance, honor and respect for our own, rather than a religious marker.

    Far more pressing, is the need to fight hard against the ideology that represents all that is wrong, dangerous and evil about religion: Islam.

  5. Touche 8:58 AM! I am a free thinker as well and I understand the need of many who feel that religious symbols give them both hope and peace of mind and I will not deny them that even though I do not subscribe to their thought processes. Nativity scenes and the such do not offend me so I have never understood the reasoning for those like me to want to remove the symbols of so many peoples belief systems. The real problem is not Judaism or Christianity, they are not out to exterminate me, but rather with Islam because at the root of their belief system anyone who is not like them has to be either taxed or killed - period.

    I only understand organized religion to the extent that it gives people hope in thinking that there is something beyond this life but I do not understand the concept of tolerating any group of people so long as they are economically profitable to them or act as cover until their plans of global dominance are enacted.

    If you think that a few Americans with guns are dangerous, just wait until you see what a few Jihadist with weapons can do!

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.


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