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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jeh Johnson Holds Press Event With Reported Radical Islamic Leader in Virginia

Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson spoke on Monday in Sterling, Virginia at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society—or the ADAMS Center.

In his formal remarks, Johnson explained:

"My message today is this: In responding to this new environment, we must not vilify American Muslims. We must not throw a net of suspicion over American Muslims and an entire religion. We must not force American Muslims to run and hide, and retreat to the shadows. This would be counter to our homeland security efforts, and it is un-American."

However, according to reports, the ADAMS center is linked to the anti-Western radical Muslim Brotherhood. The Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo writes, the ADAMS Center is, “a controversial Muslim center that was reportedly raided by federal agents as part of an investigation into a terror organization.”

Johnson was joined by Imam Mohamed Magid, who, according to Kredo, “serves as a leading member of an Islamic organization long suspected of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.”

More here


  1. any question as to who is running the show

  2. Just spy on them, ya know, see something say something, but just do not vilify them

  3. And this is surprising, WHY? Obama's administration is 95% Islamic Radicals or have ties to Radical Islam. Obama's actions shows he is a Islamic sympathizer. He does nothing for Christians but criticize and condemn.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth.

  4. 11:21 - nailed it!

    We should watch these slimes like a hawk and report everything they do that is remotely out of nominal!

    The next 'event' will likely cause some civilian based retribution based on government lack of response!

  5. "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet"

  6. Are there any white muslims?

    1. In america its black felons that turn into radical muslims right from the prison system.

  7. Democrats either don't get it or want the destruction of America.

  8. He had to do this because they told him if he didn't they would cut his wife's head off.

  9. Since Alan Dulles helped create the Muslim Brotherhood it is totally appropriate that the event was staged at his centre.


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