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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Jackie Welfonder, Past President of the Wicomico County Republican Club

This is her new Facebook profile picture. She was President of the Wicomico County Republican Club last year and you might wonder why the Republicans didn't put up candidates to run for Mayor and City Council.


  1. Wellfonder is a joke. She is no more a Republican than I am an airplane pilot. When she was involved in the GOP Club she was allowed to take advantage of the candidates promoting her "business". It was as a total conflict of interest.

  2. It's disgusting how she plays both sides. Anderton and Brewington are big buddies of her. So let's see I think I have read that Day and Ireton are two of her favorites and the Republican Delegate and the new president of the Wicomico GOP Club are best buds with her. So who does this woman really support? Easy, whoever puts the money in her pocket.

  3. Diversity is what makes a Country great. Nothing wrong with having friends, coworkers or even family that don't sing from the same sheet of music.

  4. A traitor and a liar , another one from the HILLARY mold.

  5. She's no Republican. She's a nothing. Republican women are strong and self respecting and no woman worth a damn would stand next to Ireton. Not after the way he treated Lore Chambers.

  6. Hanging out with the Enemy, Treason.

  7. 10:16 AM you are correct. When she volunteered to help Bob Culver with his campaign for county executive she started sending him these outrageous bills and demanding he pay her. Yes she is a joke and she uses people.

  8. Yikes, the three stooges live on!

  9. Jackie Welfonder infiltrated the Republican club with Muir Boda just like the Muslim Brotherhood did with the Whitehouse!

  10. RINO's - thankfully 'was' means they have someone real in there now!

  11. The strength of the Republican Club has been very weak for a number of years. The leadership has been suspect as well. Even previous leadership was bad at best. I wouldn't join because of this. Sometimes it's very hard to root out the good ole' gals. This is one of those times.

    The Republican Club needs credible, strong leadership for sure. I pray this will change very soon...

  12. Anonymous said...
    It's disgusting how she plays both sides. Anderton and Brewington are big buddies of her. So let's see I think I have read that Day and Ireton are two of her favorites and the Republican Delegate and the new president of the Wicomico GOP Club are best buds with her. So who does this woman really support? Easy, whoever puts the money in her pocket.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:23 AM

    Funny you mention this. The new Republican Delegate and the new president of the Wicomico County "Central Committee" not Club are best buddy with those 2 as well. If you have them on FB you can go and see how much they pal around on FB every day. Three RINO's there.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Diversity is what makes a Country great. Nothing wrong with having friends, coworkers or even family that don't sing from the same sheet of music.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:54 AM!!

    Not when the Democrats are tearing the country, state, County and city apart. YOU are an ignorant MORON!! It's a sheet of toilet paper not a sheet of music.

  14. Anonymous said...
    She's no Republican. She's a nothing. Republican women are strong and self respecting and no woman worth a damn would stand next to Ireton. Not after the way he treated Lore Chambers.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:56 AM

    Don't forget the 3 women in Mojo's who happen to be city employees.

  15. Anonymous said...

    A traitor and a liar , another one from the HILLARY mold.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:55 AM

    Exactly. Nothing but a liar and someone trying to be with the in crowd.

  16. She put that profile picture up immediately after it was taken at the parade. She is a poor example of a Republican and I don't buy that "Friends" story. She is a traitor to the Party. They are followers of the illegal alien Muslim from Kenya who is occupying the White House. Any friend of his is an enemy to us.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Her nose is so far up Anderton's butt hoping to get a job in Annapolis. She is a disgrace but the republicans keep supporting her. They will get what they deserve she will see to it.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:26 AM

    Isn't that the truth, and really, who is Anderton!

  18. Anonymous said...
    Jackie Welfonder infiltrated the Republican club with Muir Boda just like the Muslim Brotherhood did with the Whitehouse!

    December 8, 2015 at 11:51 AM

    LOL, the Republican establishment fell for them hook, line and sinker and gave Muir Boda money to run for County Council at large and he got spanked. The goof finally got elected and he resigned his leadership position in the Republican club which he didn't have to do and no one is suspect of that. LMAO, seven attempts to get elected and finally after using the Repubicans and he dumps them. LOLOLOLOL!

  19. Anonymous said...

    Jackie Welfonder infiltrated the Republican club with Muir Boda just like the Muslim Brotherhood did with the Whitehouse!

    December 8, 2015 at 11:51 AM

    Now this is some funny stuff! I really can't stop laughing.

  20. Speaking of Muir Boda I saw him riding in the Christmas Parade driving a Jaguar? I didn't know janitors at Walmart made that kind of money.

  21. Anonymous said...
    The strength of the Republican Club has been very weak for a number of years. The leadership has been suspect as well. Even previous leadership was bad at best. I wouldn't join because of this. Sometimes it's very hard to root out the good ole' gals. This is one of those times.

    The Republican Club needs credible, strong leadership for sure. I pray this will change very soon...

    December 8, 2015 at 1:33 PM

    No, there was good leadership up until she took office.

    And since you seem to know everything why don't you join and make it better.


  22. Facebook

    ‎Julie Brewington‎ to Jackie Wellfonder
    18 mins · Salisbury, MD ·
    I was just alerted we made the spews. We'll you did, but I got an honorable mention in the comments.
    Jackie Wellfonder likes this.

    Jackie Wellfonder - Oh yeah?? Where??
    Like · Reply · 19 mins

    Julie Brewington - I don't want to link it because hits.
    Like · Reply · 18 mins

    Jackie Wellfonder - Oh...when you said spews....you meant....yeah...got ya boo wink emoticon
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 mins

    Julie Brewington - Some people have no concept of community or kindness, but whatever.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 16 mins

    Jackie Wellfonder - HAHAHAHAHA.....bless their hearts. Lord have mercy. That's why I post pics like that, because it makes their heads explode. So much jealousy, so little time wink emoticon And I sure wish they knew how much work I did that I didn't get paid for. If I got paid for it all, I'd have enough money to sit around and blog all day too!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 10 mins

    Julie Brewington - rite?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 10 mins

    Jackie Wellfonder - The cute thing is, I'm wearing an Anderton and Carozza sticker. These are some serious MENSA candidates. LMAO.

  23. Facebook

    Jackie Wellfonder
    15 mins ·
    Lord have mercy, I'm famous again Chuck(Cook) and Bill(Duck). I need to make sure I get as many pics as possible at the DemClub Wico Christmas party so I can really rock their worlds. "wink" emoticon


    Chuck Cook
    Chuck Cook - This is instructive. I want you to remember which Party doesn't talk s*** about either a) you or b) it's own. "smile" emoticon
    Like · Reply · 6 mins

  24. Now Cathy Bassett is touting her as the greatest. Talk about clueless!

  25. Birds of a feather always flock together.

  26. Strong republicans in Wicomico County will have nothing to do with the club. It has went to crap. Strongest republican in this region is Mike Lewis. You don't see him rubbing elbows with these losers for a reason. The man knows crap when he smells it.

  27. Whose red pickup truck is Jimbeau driving?

  28. Anonymous said...
    Now Cathy Bassett is touting her as the greatest. Talk about clueless!

    December 8, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    The greatest at what? Eating the most food and walking around with a 5 gallon soda cup?

  29. Chuck Cook
    Chuck Cook - This is instructive. I want you to remember which Party doesn't talk s*** about either a) you or b) it's own. "smile" emoticon
    Like · Reply · 6 mins


    Um, Chuck Cook you and your party talk about every Republican out there. Bless your heart, you have such a short memory. Pity!

  30. I heard Jim Ireton was talking sh*t about Andy Harris and talking about going over and harassing him at the parade.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Strong republicans in Wicomico County will have nothing to do with the club. It has went to crap. Strongest republican in this region is Mike Lewis. You don't see him rubbing elbows with these losers for a reason. The man knows crap when he smells it.

    December 8, 2015 at 9:29 PM

    Don't flatter yourself!

  32. Nothing wrong with being friendly with the loyal opposition, but...

    I just keep thinking about Ireton holding up that "I Hate Republicans" bumper sticker.

  33. I was in Washington last night, at a bar waiting on a beer, when a butt-ugly, big old heifer named Michelle came up behind me, and slapped me on the butt.

    She said, "Hey sexy, how about giving me your number."

    I looked at her and said, "Have you got a pen."

    She said, "I sure do."

    I said, "Well, you better get back in it before the farmer notices you're missing."

    My IRS audit is on Monday.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Nothing wrong with being friendly with the loyal opposition, but...

    I just keep thinking about Ireton holding up that "I Hate Republicans" bumper sticker.

    December 8, 2015 at 11:49 PM

    Exactly! And he hate Republicans with a passion. Being friendly with them and calling them your friends is different than hanging out with them and getting all cutesy like she Carl Anderton, Bunky Luffman and Muir Boda do all day long on Facebook. Being friendly isn't being cutesy all day is being a BFF. And that goes for you to Julie Brewington. You and Chuck Cook seem to be a little to close as you are with Jim and Jake as well.

  35. I find it interesting that Ms. Welfonder ran as a central committee member for the Wicomico County Republican Central committee, but yet when she feels like somebody is hating on her she runs to her Democrat friends and the Democrat club . The Republican club needs to question her integrity and her allegiance and look at what she posted and where she posted and kick her ass out of the club . A good Republican would not be posting comments to Chuck Cook, Bill Duck and the Wicomico County Democrat clubs Facebook page . They are 2 of the most trouble making Democrats around. Joe has pictures of them in chicken suits attacking Andy at one of his events.

  36. She is disgusting. How is it that you have friends like Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Bill Duck and you plan on attending the Wicomico Democrat Christmas Party and you pretend you are a Republican. Your only friends seem to be Muir Boda, Bunky Luffman, Carl and Shawn but they are quite liberal anyway.

    Since you find it Ok to attend their functions please refrain from attending the Republican Club functions. You truly are not welcome there. Now go work out at the gym you good looking Hunka, Hunka, Burning Love!!

  37. Ugh, when I look at these 3 missed abortions I just want to vomit!

  38. Anonymous said...
    Now Cathy Bassett is touting her as the greatest. Talk about clueless!

    December 8, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    Funny how Cathy has always tried to be better than she is. First she marries a worthless newspaper editor and now she is dating the rich guy with the big brick house off Rt. 50 in Hebron that sits on the hill. The one with the airplanes.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Strong republicans in Wicomico County will have nothing to do with the club. It has went to crap. Strongest republican in this region is Mike Lewis. You don't see him rubbing elbows with these losers for a reason. The man knows crap when he smells it.

    December 8, 2015 at 9:29 PM

    You obviously don't know Mike Lewis. By the way it's not election time and he has been unopposed. Put a strong candidate against him and watch him kiss babies again and suck up to the Democrats again. Did anyone see Mike work with other Republicans to help them get elected since he ran unopposed like good Republicans do? No, he was to busy trying to make it as an extra on the Fox News Network.

  40. Anonymous said...
    I heard Jim Ireton was talking sh*t about Andy Harris and talking about going over and harassing him at the parade.

    December 8, 2015 at 10:26 PM

    Andy will spank him in an election. LMFAO 207 votes won't be enough to beat Andy you moron!

    The voters in Salisbury should have ran him off after he got elected and said he was going to run for Congress. Cocky POS.

  41. Sounds like a bunch of teabagger rhetoric. They have hijacked the Grand Old Party and will drag it down the same crapper in which they live. A sometimes RINO and what's wrong with it. This country was built on compromise not on a bunch of right wing extremists who may win some local and State elections with people like Andi Hairess.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She is disgusting. How is it that you have friends like Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Bill Duck and you plan on attending the Wicomico Democrat Christmas Party and you pretend you are a Republican. Your only friends seem to be Muir Boda, Bunky Luffman, Carl and Shawn but they are quite liberal anyway.

    Since you find it Ok to attend their functions please refrain from attending the Republican Club functions. You truly are not welcome there. Now go work out at the gym you good looking Hunka, Hunka, Burning Love!!

    December 9, 2015 at 10:56 AM

    There isn't anything good looking about that hunk of crap. She better start spending the night at the gym if she wants to lose that excess poundage.

  43. How is it that people cannot be friends with people that hold the opposite political view than you do? Must be the same rules that say you cannot associate with people of a different skin color also. The inability to respect the right of other to have their own viewpoint is a sign of limited intelligence and failure to become educated.

  44. Those busting on Sheriff Lewis. The man does not need to kiss ass. Paid his dues and sits at the top of his game. No one can beat him. So suck it Dems and Rhinos. Mike did not help some Republicans get elected because the man can smell b.s. two hundred miles away. Just because you wear the title republican does not make you one. Just look at this post Joe put up. Enough said. As I said the Republican Club and Central Committee needs an enema. Time to flush these turds down the bowl. Time true and loyal Republicans to step up. The politically correct ass wipes in there now need to go.

  45. I wrote off the Republican Club a long time ago. I understand they gave money to John Hall and Matt Holloway and they in turn gave the same amount to Rick Pollitt. Boda only ran as a Republican so he could win, he also is buddies with Jimbo and the rest of the libs.

  46. Anonymous said...
    How is it that people cannot be friends with people that hold the opposite political view than you do? Must be the same rules that say you cannot associate with people of a different skin color also. The inability to respect the right of other to have their own viewpoint is a sign of limited intelligence and failure to become educated.

    December 13, 2015 at 9:38 AM

    Aw someone dropped the race card. How cute!

  47. Stop the Hate on Mike Lewis most of you haters couldn't carry his jock let alone his holster why don't you Holster some of the comments and appreciate his service as a Marine , A Trooper , and now the Top Cop .some of you folks need to grow up or throw up! Semper Fi

  48. @1:57
    If the chicken house mucking boots fit.....

  49. "Funny how Cathy has always tried to be better than she is. First she marries a worthless newspaper editor and now she is dating the rich guy with the big brick house off Rt. 50 in Hebron that sits on the hill. The one with the airplanes"

    And she loves telling about it too. I've never seen anyone so into self promotion. With a recent divorce and a daughter in high school, she would do well to dial it down a notch or two.

  50. Anonymous said...
    I wrote off the Republican Club a long time ago. I understand they gave money to John Hall and Matt Holloway and they in turn gave the same amount to Rick Pollitt. Boda only ran as a Republican so he could win, he also is buddies with Jimbo and the rest of the libs.

    December 13, 2015 at 12:40 PM

    Yes they did give money to John Hall and Matt Holloway and those two gave that amount in donation to Democrat Rick Pollitt's Campaign and no one even discussed that. To make matters worse they gave that money to John Hall and he was running unopposed. WTH???

    The Club also gave John Hall, Matt Maciarello and Mike Lewis who ran unopposed. They should have given more to the candidates that really needed it. This has never been done in the history of the club. They really screwed up with that.

    You are right about Manure Boata. He switched parties from Libertarian to Republican just so he could get elected and get money from the Republican Club and they did give him money as well to run for County Council at Large. When Manure lost the election they made him the Vice President of the Republican Club. WTH?? Then they gave him money to run for the city council race and he accidentally gets elected after 7 attempts. Once he gets elected he resigns his position from the board. Proof the he only used the club.

    This club wasted time and money taking the old restaurant behind Harmon Motors where no one could find it. What a big mistake. Then they allowed the state GOP to come in and take over the space as their own and let someone use it as their office space at the expense of the Wicomico County Republican Club. It wasn't even called the Wicomico County Republican Club Headquarters and they paid for it. You can thank Jackie Welfonder for F***ing them over and letting someone else come in and use the Club and not get reimbursed.

  51. Anonymous said...
    "Funny how Cathy has always tried to be better than she is. First she marries a worthless newspaper editor and now she is dating the rich guy with the big brick house off Rt. 50 in Hebron that sits on the hill. The one with the airplanes"

    And she loves telling about it too. I've never seen anyone so into self promotion. With a recent divorce and a daughter in high school, she would do well to dial it down a notch or two.

    December 13, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    I agree. She is not a good role model for her daughter. White Trash!

  52. Wow I was about to join the Republican Club I just did change parties I see they are as screwed up as the party I just left. Joe great post very informative.

  53. Funny how Cathy has always tried to be better than she is. First she marries a worthless newspaper editor and now she is dating the rich guy with the big brick house off Rt. 50 in Hebron that sits on the hill. The one with the airplanes.
    December 13, 2015 at 9:20 AM

    Don't mess with Lord Jamie and Lady Catherine of Downton Spring Hill Abbey. They have class and friends and power.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Wow I was about to join the Republican Club I just did change parties I see they are as screwed up as the party I just left. Joe great post very informative.

    December 14, 2015 at 8:24 AM

    Please do join, we need some good people to clean house!!

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Funny how Cathy has always tried to be better than she is. First she marries a worthless newspaper editor and now she is dating the rich guy with the big brick house off Rt. 50 in Hebron that sits on the hill. The one with the airplanes.
    December 13, 2015 at 9:20 AM

    Don't mess with Lord Jamie and Lady Catherine of Downton Spring Hill Abbey. They have class and friends and power.

    December 14, 2015 at 10:14 AM

    Lord Jamie? Who is she? Who are the friends with power?

  56. Anonymous said...
    Wow I was about to join the Republican Club I just did change parties I see they are as screwed up as the party I just left. Joe great post very informative.

    December 14, 2015 at 8:24 AM

    You are probably just a poser. The Republican Club still has some good members, just a few infidels from your party the need to be eradicated. Jackie Welfonder and Julie Brewington is going to the Democrat Club "Holiday" Party anyway. Maybe they will stay. If you remember Julies husband is a Democrat and ran for County Council the same year she ran for House of Delegates and they both got spanked, Thank God.

  57. One of those two is a drunk. Really we have a drunken fool in the club. No I am no poser. I am a hard core republican now. I depise everything the Dems stand for. I had an awakening recently after a trip to Baltimore. Dems have almost destroyed the country I love. I will never stand by anyone who is anti-American again. That means Ohblahblah and his croanies.

    Dont really know any of those people in the photo but I have no problem with having friends with differant views. Just never mix business and pleasure. There is a line when you move into the political arena.


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