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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It’s Time to Rally Around Donald Trump

Brent Bozell has called on conservatives to rally around
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 97% for the Republican presidential nomination. Ted Cruz is a good man and a fine candidate — my own second choice — but I believe GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is the candidate for American patriots to rally around.

Bozell states that Cruz is the one candidate who will return the United States to “her Constitutional foundations and Judeo-Christian values,” explaining:

On every issue of crucial importance to conservatives—defunding Planned Parenthood, ending the Obamacare nightmare, reducing the size of government, opposing amnesty—Cruz is not only with conservatives, he’s led the fight for conservatives.

To be honest, if these were the only issues under discussion in this GOP presidential primary season I would hardly be able to make myself pay attention. It’s not that they are unimportant issues. Personally, I support every one of them. But they are not existential issues. They are not the issues on which the very future of the Republic hangs. They are issues that a responsible Republican House and Senate, if they were loyal to their oath and to their constituents, could today begin to rectify all by themselves.



  1. I'm in. Trump/ Carson. Winner winner chicken dinner!

  2. Question is, who can beat Hillary? Who can appeal to independents and disillusioned Dems the best?

    Seriously, I think that is the question because a lot of Dems don't want to vote for her and her ties to Big Bank. But they don't want right wing extremism.

    Trump's only selling point to them is that he is not "owned." But nobody is talking about that.

    I have heard some Dems say they would vote for Carson over her, even if he is highly conservative.

    Again, who can beat Hillary?

  3. I am tired of talking heads on TV telling me what kind of president I should have. It looks like a lot of fellow citizens are feeling the same way.

  4. 904, to answer your question, to any intelligent voter, my dog could beat Hitlery.

    Trouble is, there are far too many useless eaters out there that can't see that.

  5. I am tire of Who can beat Hillary!!!!!
    She is beating herself and if we stop saying she is unbeatable and support Trump outright it will happen.
    Again GOP party afraid to speak out.
    I am becoming embarrassed to be part of the GOP
    Bunch of wimps


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