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Friday, December 04, 2015

High-Sodium Warnings Hit New York City Menus

A new sodium warning requirement goes into effect in New York City restaurants Tuesday: Diners who eat at chain restaurants will now see warnings on menus next to items that contain high levels of salt.

From now on, the New York City Health Department says chain restaurants with 15 or more locations must display a salt shaker icon next to menu items or combo meals that contain 2,300 milligrams of sodium or more.

That's the recommended daily limit for sodium, but most Americans consume far more. And top contributors are foods we tend to eat when we're dining out, including pizza and deli sandwiches.



  1. remove salt shakers from tables . Get real , all of us are going to die , whether it's from salt or a bullet .

  2. Completely insane.

  3. high sodium is the biggest security threat we are currently facing

  4. I'll give my kids as much salt as I want. They put it in their big gulps while eating big macs for brealkfast.

  5. Don't go to ny to eat


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