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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Here’s the Reason George W. Bush Didn’t Leave D.C. Until the day After Christmas

If there’s one thing President Obama is a master at, it’s taking tax payer funded vacations, doing what he does best: nothing.

The way Obama takes vacations, particularly around the holidays is in stark contrast to the way former President George W. Bush used to do things when he was in office.

Bush would never leave D.C. until the day after Christmas.

The reason why is awesome.



  1. Obama would never do this, he thinks of no one but himself and his golf game.

  2. Clowns at Peace in the ParkDecember 23, 2015 at 8:59 PM

    But he started the war in middle east though...

  3. no he did not "start" the war - he was trying to finish the job his ole man started.

  4. Clowns at Peace in the Park....look up Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 signed by Bill Clinton, and then consider revising your original post.

  5. there is a big difference between first class and no class

  6. They hate us for our freedoms

  7. Say what you like, but those who have personally worked for the Bush family will tell you how personable and gracious they are. Always thinking of others. Have you forgotten what the Clinton WH workers said about them? Stark contrast. Very abusive, especially Hillary. Can't wait to hear what the WH employees have to say about the Obamas.


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