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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Five Elementary School Students Arrested Over ‘Legitimate Plan’ to Blow Up High School

Five elementary school students in New Jersey have been arrested after allegedly plotting to blow up a high school.

The five fifth-graders, ages 10 and 11, attend Clifton Elementary School #11 and were targeting a school assembly set to be held at Clifton High School Wednesday, WABC-TV reported.

School officials at the elementary school contacted police after finding notes on how the attack would be carried out.

Authorities said there was vinegar and cinnamon inside the device in question, but nothing to cause an explosion. Regardless, authorities are concerned about the intent. 



  1. The cinnamon was in a bun, and they had it in a briefcase with a homemade clock.

  2. 11:37
    LOL! That was good.

  3. The scary thing is there are kids this young in Africa and the Middle East who do this sort of thing on a regular basis.

  4. 4:49 When were you there or did you hear this from your crazy uncle that has turtle shells hanging on the side of his shack in the woods?

  5. lock up the parents.


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