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Thursday, December 03, 2015

FBI Report Shows More Americans Are Buying Guns

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — More Americans than ever are buying or thinking about buying guns, according to a recent FBI report.

Amy Yensi has more on what’s behind the spike in sales.

Gun owners we spoke to say it’s a combination of things: mass shootings becoming all too common and the possibility that terror could be at our doorstep.

At the Pasadena Gun Pawn and Gunshop, more people than usual are coming in to buy guns.

“Probably for the last month and a half, I’ve had a lot of gun sales here lately,” said William Loane.



  1. As they should. Hopefully we will never need to use, but if we keep electing the likes of obama we will eventually need them.

  2. I support the second amendment

  3. I've got plenty just need a lot more ammo.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I've got plenty just need a lot more ammo.

    December 3, 2015 at 10:30 PM

    waste of money. couple hundred rounds is all anyone needs. if you have that many targets coming at you that you need more ammo, you won't survive to use it.

    worse case scenario you can take ammo from the targets when they are down and their weapons. if you have to move quickly, can you lug along your thousands of rounds with you?

    1. Why are they an idiot??? Spoken from someone who knows what they are talking about. Instead of bashing maybe you should listen

  5. After 7 years of so called leadership by a complete idiot , I wash my hands of this muslim communist man. I have my guns , I have my ammo , as a trained sniper in 1967 , I haven't forgotten anything.
    My only question is " why hasn't this satanic SOB been impeached?


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